[OBM classic] Deadlock during event archival


Has one came across below error during event archival in OBM?

please suggest. Thanks

ERROR: The database system reported an error: could not execute query -- An error occurred during the current command (Done status 0). Transaction (Process ID 165) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

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    Please try archiving smaller chunks of events.  For example, find out the oldest event on your system and archive these events (e.g. they are 10 days old).  Next, archive the next day (day 9), then the next (day 8) and so on.  I'd expect one archive will fail, but at least you'll have archived the older events and your database will be much happier.  I think trying to find the problem event is a little more difficult, which is why I'd rerun the archive as suggested above.