Issue in RUM Client monitor probe

Hi Everyone,

We face issue that we want to monitor website using RUM client monitor probe, we installed the monitor probe and integrated it with the engine without issue and we deployed the rum ispi licenses on them and injected this attached javascript snippet in the website pages but after creating the monitor in APM, we wait for any sessions or pages or any data to come but nothing comes, it is the first time that i implement it so i don't what is wrong, is it supposed that data come automatically after adding the monitor or there is missing step and also is this snippet correct or need to be edited cuz i depended on information about it in the documentation


    <script type="text/javascript" src="/cm-app/clientmon.js" id="id_cmMonitorJsEl"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        // Function to dynamically get the response content length
        function getResponseContentLength() {
            // Example: Total length of the HTML document content
            return document.documentElement.innerHTML.length;

        // Function to dynamically get the request content length
        function getRequestContentLength() {
            // Example placeholder; replace with actual logic if available
            return 512;  // Replace with actual calculation if possible

        // Function to dynamically get the HTTP request method
        function getRequestMethod() {
            // Example logic: determine based on URL or other context
            return (window.location.pathname.includes('/api/')) ? "POST" : "GET";

        // Function to dynamically get the client port
        function getClientPort() {
            // Example placeholder; replace with actual logic if available
            return 8080;  // Replace with actual port retrieval if possible

        // Function to dynamically extract the username
        function getUsername() {
            var username = '-';  // Default value if no username is found
            var match = /Logged user: (.*) - /g.exec(document.getElementById('loginDataBar')?.innerHTML);
            if (match && match.length > 1) {
                username = match[1];
            return username;

        // Function to dynamically extract the event ID
        function getEventId() {
            var eventElement = document.getElementById('eventData');
            return eventElement ? eventElement.innerText.trim() : 'defaultEvent';

        // Initialize RUM Client Monitor with static URLs and dynamic values
            probeURL: "",  // Static URL for the RUM probe
            sProbeURL: "", // Static URL for HTTPS
            enableCbd: true,
            cmRespContLen: getResponseContentLength(),
            cmReqContLen: getRequestContentLength(),
            cmCMethod: getRequestMethod(),
            cmCPort: getClientPort()

        // Set dynamic values for username and events after initialization
        set_cm_value('cmUserName', getUsername());
        set_cm_value('cmPageEvents', getEventId());