SIteScope - OBM Topology Integration - bac integration log error- Disk Space is filling up

HI Experts,

We are facing one strange issue on our Topology integration. Topo sync is working fine, events are coming to OBM but our SiteScope\cache\persistent\topaz\hostname_data folder is consuming more spaces(more than 140GB). If I checked on that folder there is a file ending with TOPAZ is getting creating every 10min once and due to that our whole disk space is consuming. Below is the sample screenshot from the directory.

Logs Error:

2024-09-05 07:01:19,884 [com.mercury.sitescope.integrations.bac.reporter.GuaranteedDataReporter[hostname][CacheSender]] ( ERROR - Error: com.mercury.sitescope.integrations.bac.reporter.GuaranteedDataReporter[hostname][CacheSender] CacheSender failed to report repository file: D:\SiteScope\cache\persistent\topaz\hostname_data\100EC_1725512033504.topaz. URL: hostname:443/.../mod_mdrv_wrap.dll, host: hostname, port: 443, UsingProxy: false, isHTTPS(SSL): true, Connection reset by peer: socket write error, currentRetry: 0 URL: hostname:443/.../mod_mdrv_wrap.dll

For the security reasons i have removed the hostnames and mentioned the hostname only.

SIS Version: 2021.11

OBM Version: 2020.10(IP1) Consolidated Hotfix

OS: Windows Server 2016


Pranav R N