SIteScope - OBM Topology Integration - bac integration log error- Disk Space is filling up

HI Experts,

We are facing one strange issue on our Topology integration. Topo sync is working fine, events are coming to OBM but our SiteScope\cache\persistent\topaz\hostname_data folder is consuming more spaces(more than 140GB). If I checked on that folder there is a file ending with TOPAZ is getting creating every 10min once and due to that our whole disk space is consuming. Below is the sample screenshot from the directory.

Logs Error:

2024-09-05 07:01:19,884 [com.mercury.sitescope.integrations.bac.reporter.GuaranteedDataReporter[hostname][CacheSender]] ( ERROR - Error: com.mercury.sitescope.integrations.bac.reporter.GuaranteedDataReporter[hostname][CacheSender] CacheSender failed to report repository file: D:\SiteScope\cache\persistent\topaz\hostname_data\100EC_1725512033504.topaz. URL: hostname:443/.../mod_mdrv_wrap.dll, host: hostname, port: 443, UsingProxy: false, isHTTPS(SSL): true, Connection reset by peer: socket write error, currentRetry: 0 URL: hostname:443/.../mod_mdrv_wrap.dll

For the security reasons i have removed the hostnames and mentioned the hostname only.

SIS Version: 2021.11

OBM Version: 2020.10(IP1) Consolidated Hotfix

OS: Windows Server 2016


Pranav R N

  • Suggested Answer


    It looks like your SiS think it is connected with APM and not with OBM.

    when SiS is integrated with APM it will send metric samples, but since you have OBM, it cannot send it.

    Can you share screenshot of your APM Integration from preferences? can you also share screenshot of 1 monitor's properties, especially the "Integration Settings" panel?

    BTW, I hope you are aware that your OBM will be end of support by end of this year, so you should start planning for upgrade.

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    Hi Asaf,

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

    Yes issue is resolved it was a problem with cache and we deleted everything in cache (@all please don't delete the folders just delete the contents inside the folders) and including the scripts folder (inside the files not folder) as well. After that we stopped the services and restarted the server and resync it. Now everything is resolved.

    Thanks a lot for your valuable inputs and guidance.


    Pranav R N

  • 0 in reply to   

    Hi Asaf,

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

    Yes issue is resolved it was a problem with cache and we deleted everything in cache (@all please don't delete the folders just delete the contents inside the folders) and including the scripts folder (inside the files not folder) as well. After that we stopped the services and restarted the server and resync it. Now everything is resolved.

    Thanks a lot for your valuable inputs and guidance.


    Pranav R N

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