Possible to remove just HPOM install of whole Operation Agent using the oacleanall.vbs script?

Hi experts,

We are just testing the removal of HPOM from some Windows Servers, and are following the guide here - https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/Operations_Agent/12.21/CleanAll

The description for the script states: "The oacleanall script isn't recommended to remove the Operations Agent on a system running other Operations Bridge Software products." - This is a great warning, however given there may be Operation Bridge products in our environment using OBM monitoring, I really want to know how to remove just the HPOM components, and that's it. Ideally, I am trying to get a script that should only remove the HPOM and should check the dependency, since OM is use by both toolset (HPOM and OBM).

Is this something anyone has done before or has any experience?

Or is this something which simply cannot be done?

Really appreciate any help given.