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Avoid OO restarting flows after OO restart


We're using OBM in combination with OO. OO is for the moment more of a black box.

I've noticed that when OO is restarted, all the flows that were running before the restart are also being restarted.

This is not what I want since we use OO to start e.g. datawarehouse load or large data archiving jobs.

I don't want these jobs to be restarted when OO is restarted since this could potentially damage the target applications.

Is there a way to configure OO not to restart the flows after OO restart?

Any help much appreciated!

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    Hi Rick, most likely the internal recovery mechanism is kicking in. How do you perform this service restart?

    We recommend that, before you perform the service restart procedure, you either cancel or pause all running flows and scheduled occurrences.



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    Thanks for the feedback, that makes sense.

    This going to be a stupid question but I since I don't have any knowledge about OO (yet, course is planned), how  would I achieve this? Is there a cmd line for it? I've a nice cmd called oosh but I still investigating

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    You can simply use the controls from Central's run explorer

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    Would there be any possibility to achieve this via command line? In our organisation the stop/start scripts for our applications are very standardized and don't allow for UI actions

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    Would there be any possibility to achieve this via command line? In our organisation the stop/start scripts for our applications are very standardized and don't allow for UI actions
