• Some schedules not visible after upgrade and newly created schedules not visible

    Hi i did upgrade from 20.08 to 22.11 and i dont see some old schedules in OO Central. I can see them all in OO_TRIGGERS but some are not visible in OO Central. Further more I can create new schedule but schedule is not visible in OO Central, but i…
  • Strange thing, after 10.70 upgrade to 2020.08.0 the Systems Properties "menu" disappeared.

    We can't see any errors related to this in the logs but the flows don't work since they can't extract the values from System Properties.
  • Database Purging flows fail after upgrade from 10.51 to 10.60

    We've just upgraded from 10.51 to 10.60 and the scheduled Purging flows (Audit Records, Debug Events, Execution Summary) all started to fail with error: Error while executing http request: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building…
  • Upgrade from Operatons Orchestration OO v10.22 to v10.60

    Hi, We are trying to plan our move from OO 10.22 to 10.60 and have some key questions. Can we upgrade our dev environment (Central, RAS) and all developers' Studios to 10.60, and still function correctly with our Test and Prod environments being version…
  • Upgraging OO from 9.00 version to 10 version

    Dear All, We had installed OO 9.00 version on Windows 2003 server. Now we want to upgrade our OO version to 10.00 version. Is it possible to upgrade the application on the same server? Thanks, Praveen M
  • Upgrade from OO 10.02 to 10.1

    Hi all, Has anyone successfuly upgraded an OO cluster from 10.02 to 10.1? (2 central nodes & 2 Ras's) I've done this on a relatively clean installation (a few days old) with no issues. But when upgrading on a clustered system that is over 6 months old…
  • Operations Orchestration Training Courses.

    My work is about to upgrade to HP OO soon, and i was wondering if there was a training site, or certification I could take as an HP employee to get me prepared for what's coming. Any links, or directions is greatly appreciated.
  • Depricated Flows

    Is there a canned report or easy way to identify if deprecated flows are in use? We are upgrading from 9.03 to 9.07, do these deprecated flows get removed automatically?
  • Error while upgrading HP OO from 9.06 to 9.07..?

    Hi, We are trying to upgrade HP Operation Orchestration from 9.06 to 9.07. But we are getting an error "insufficient memory". But the system freespace is 18.7GB. But when I saw the file upgrade.log in %ICONCLUDE_HOME%, it is showing like this: "Error…
  • How to upgrade the local Studio to a newer Patch Version?

    Hi all, can someone explain to me how to upgrade the local Studio to a newer Patch Version? Since a new Patch is install the local studios are not working anymore, with the message that there is no connection to central. thx in advance
  • Error while running flow in OO 10 - Exception occured during navigation calculation

    This is a flow that I upgraded from OO 9 to OO 10. This flow is really hard for me to debug as we only have 2 windows during which to test. 6PM and 2AM. So im hoping maybe someone can shed some light. After one of the subflow runs this error is thrown…
  • Product Technical Question:Can we import Repository developed in HPOO 9.0x

    Hi, I have repository developed in HPOO 9.07 , I would like to upload the same set of flows to HPOO 10. Can we do that? Is there any tool in HPOO 10 to convert repository to content pack . Thanks Jadda Pavan kumar
  • Getting Error while upgrading the studio to 9.05 from 9.0

    Hi All, Getting Error while upgrading the studio to 9.05 from 9.0 The studio is installed on my local machine and i am accessing the central from Remote. I have successfully installed the studio and able to access the central. But when i am trying to…
  • Hotfix for CSA integration

    Hi guys, I just finished my upgrade to HP OO 9.03.0001. Now i need to appply some hotfixes for my integration to HP CSA. I found some link but i think thre's a problem with the site. https://patch-hub.corp.hp.com/crypt-web/protected/viewContent.do?patchId…
  • Upgrade to 9.05

    Hi all, When trying to upgrade from 9.00 to 9.05 it fails to apply. It stops very early up in the mix. "load.db.properties: [get-database-props] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.iconclude.dharma.commons.security.DharmaEncrypterBase…
  • OO Central server no connectivity after upgrade

    Hello, since few time ago i was running OO version 9. During setup install I've changed defaults port: from 8080 to 80, from 8443 to 443, and then I've applied the followings patches: - patch_1 OO 09.00.02 (OO_00006) - patch_2 09.02 (OO_00007) - patch_3…