• Remote Command Execution Success with exitStatus -1

  • Error when running with PowerShell V3

    Hello all, May I know if you have experience the similar issue as me. When running in the HPOO, we always got the error as following. However, the credential was passed, the EXO powershell has already connected as well. and this issue is randomly…
  • "could not connect to host" from powershell script in OO, manually in PS ISE works

    Hi All, our OO studio version: 2019.11 b43 Goal: Run a PS1 Script with loaded PSM module via RAS. Problem: new Flow --> Powershell Script Element --> Input script --> Use Constant Here I add my script and normally it works. But if there are…
  • OO Upgrade from 10.80 to 2022.05 - Content Pack Migration

    Hello fellow OO admins! We are planning to upgrade our existing OO 10.80 to version 2022.05, now I have this idea of creating new VMs with OO 2022.05 clean installed that will run side by side with our existing OO 10.80. Question is, by upgrading…
  • Is Studio 2021.02 backwards compatible with Central 10.80?

    I would like to know if I build a content pack with Studio 2021.02, will it import correctly and run in Central 10.80?
  • How to Access Flow UUID during Flow Run in OO Studio

    While debugging a flow in OO Studio, the step input "METADATA" is created at the beginning of the flow and is assigned both the UUID and flow name at the end of the flow. How can I access the UUID and flow name during the flow run?
  • how do I restrict input values

    Hello experts i have an OO flow that is triggered by automation from OBM. The action sometimes captures the wrong server and then the server is rebooted (booooo) how can I restrict input to specific or wildcard values? For example: if the string…
  • Custom Documentation (.vm) : "What uses this" feature

    Hello, I'm looking for a complete documentation database to create a documentation template (.vm file). I want to extract for all the flows of a content pack their "what uses this" relationship. > Is there a documentation listing all the possible actions…
  • Generating Documentation from OO Studio

    Hi all, Trying to use the inbuilt documentation function in OO Studio to generate documentation. Would stick to the Standard Format except I need to modify it slightly to remove the "Inputs:" field shown below.| I have identifed 2 ways to do it, 1) Create…
  • Running OO Studio on HiDPI monitor in Windows 10

    Does anyone know how to fix the problem of running OO Studio on a HiDPI monitor in Windows 10? The fonts and icons are so small that it is not usable on my laptop. It seems to an issue with Java application on Windows 10. The Java GUI app is not handling…