• RPA recorder - not recording anything.

    Hello Experts, I am new to the OO and RPA. I have installed/configured the new POC environment. I want to create the new RPA activity and trying as per the document and we are not able to record any activity as shown in the screenshot below. Any…
  • RPA Activity not editable

    Hi, I am currently testing an OO 230 training where one should edit the RPA activity created. However the activity is not editable (indicated with the red pencil icon crossed), why? Is there a reason for a recorded activity to not be editable?. Can that…
  • Download content pack in HP OO 10.80

    Hi Team, Can any body help me how download a content pack from OO central HP 10.80
  • AD - Create User description

    Hello I´m using the AD create User operation. In the input fields I miss the description for the AD User. I can add this input field but there is no update in the AD. regards Alex.
  • How to create a REST flow with OAuth2 in OO?

    I am unsure on how to create a REST flow with OAuth2 in OO, as the HTTP operations don't seem to have the proper input variables that I need for this. For OAuth2, I e.g. have the following variables: Ressource Owner Name Ressource Owner Password…
  • Error when running with PowerShell V3

    Hello all, May I know if you have experience the similar issue as me. When running in the HPOO, we always got the error as following. However, the credential was passed, the EXO powershell has already connected as well. and this issue is randomly…
  • Some schedules not visible after upgrade and newly created schedules not visible

    Hi i did upgrade from 20.08 to 22.11 and i dont see some old schedules in OO Central. I can see them all in OO_TRIGGERS but some are not visible in OO Central. Further more I can create new schedule but schedule is not visible in OO Central, but i…
  • how to bulk load system accounts into a system properties file OO 2022.05

    Need to add 100+ system accounts that exist in Studio CP into Designer. Any ideas how to do it? I was able to bulk load other system properties, but accounts, not so much.
  • Unable to import git repository to the RPA Workflow Designer with local projects via SCM

    Hi, I'm getting this error when I tried to import a git repository into the RPA Workflow Designer with existing projects. Does anyone have any idea what is the cause of this? SCM Console Log 10:19:53: Import Repository - Failure org.springframework…
  • Issues pushing and pulling changes in SCM/repository

    We've been experiencing major issues when trying to push or pull changes to the repository. We have 3 people in our team using RPA and 2 of us are experiencing this issue: Pull - Failure: {"scmActionProcessId":15029,"scmActionStartResult":"HAS_CONFLICTS…
  • Cloudslang BASE json post

    Hi All current i'm on assessment on RPA, but now i kindda facing an issue regarding usage of cloudslang base dependency, in SOAPUI i can got the result what i want, but i got confused using this when use method http_json_post, result_return…
  • Blue prism integration with beyond trust api

    Hi, Is there any document available to integrate beyondTrust API in blue prism
  • Workflow desginer not running.

    Hello, After completing the Orchestration environment (rpa central, robot and ssx). I tried to install the workflow designer but when I write the https://FQDN... /oo-designer, it doesnt start the designer and starts a "loop" trying to connect but never…
  • javascript not getting injected into servlet pages through RPA

    I am using one of the RPA tool to inject my JavaScript into an application which is made on Servlet/JSP pages. But I am unable to do so. While on the HTML pages, JavaScript works..Please suggest appropriate solution if this issue is related to my tool…
  • Integration through REST API

    Hi Can anyone guide me on how to trigger my RPA flow from a 3rd party system ? I understand that RPA API support REST API, can I know is this asynchronous or synchronous integration ? Appreciate some guidance from the community Thank you Regards…
  • Connection to MSSQL localhost\SQLEXPRESS

    Hello Team! I'm trying to test the trial version of MicroFocus RPA Tools. My problem is that during component installations (i.e. Central, Designer, SSX) I cannot setup to connect to a MS SQL Database ( localhost , SQLEXPRESS ). Furthermore (after…
  • How to spy object from website without using recorder?

    eg: I need to automate rpachallenge.com where i have to build logic wrt to xpath, please let me know the way to get object details to any of variable
  • RPA on new laptops

    Hi, I work as a help desk/support guy for a big store. Our service is basically 2 different things where we in 192.168.l.l stall softwares to a new laptops that the customers buy. I made a robot on UIPath That fully automates the process. But I can't…
  • Clicking an element within an iframe

    I need my BOT to read the data of an element, and click on a button of another element, that are inside an iframe. I work with Softomotive's P rocess Robot. The problem I am having is that when I try to scrape the CSS element that I need…
  • RPA Central Installation - Unable to start central

    We are installing RPA Central on a computer with Windows Server 2019. For the installation we carry out the following steps: Step 1. Install Erlang on the computer with administrator privileges Step 2. Install RabbitMQ on the computer with administrator…
  • python win32com fail?

    Hi guys, I have a very weard case with a python action. The case is that I have to convert from xls excel file to xslx. The xls is not pure xls, it has rubbish and after trying to use openpyxl and other, it works fine with win32com, in fact this is…
  • RDP session

    Hi, I have deployed a RPA Project, and it has been scheduled for run everyday at 7:00 AM, but the robot is waiting until I log into the server (RDP) and in this moment launch all the activity. There is an article explaining this issue https://docs.microfocus…
  • Execution logs

    Hi, Is there any chance to have an execution logs for a flow/action or RPA activity? Regards
  • Error running json_path_query

    I've been using the json_path_query from the dependencies (i o.cloudslang.base.json.json_path_query) for probably 6 months. I have had a lot of successful runs, including many today, but it's now throwing the below error: Error running: 'json_path_query…
  • get an email

    Hi, i'm trying to use get email operation from CloudSlang Microsoft Office 365 Content - but i'm not sure what values do i have to set on client_id and client_secret fields. Anybody knows?