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Partition group has reached a records limit and will be rolled


I have the following row which appear in OO execution.log file:

Partition group [OO_EXECUTION_STATES] has reached a records limit and will be rolled.

Could someone tell me what does it mean please ? and how to resolve it if it is an issue?


  • Verified Answer



    This message is used strictly to highlight that the action occurred.  In that version of the product when the temporary execution data would reach a certain level then the product would switch to writing to a different table. Once the product considers it safe it would delete all data from the rolled table so that once roll over occurs again the table would be clean. Based on usage there may be situations in which the system would malfunction, but simply based on the provided information there is no reason to be alarmed.

    Keep in mind that this mechanism was used up 10.2x version of the product which has been out of support for some years now. Upgrading to a newer version and then to the latest is highly encouraged at this point for both security (CVE) aspects and since if there is any problem with the system now since this has been out of support for so long, you would not be able to get support assistance to mitigate any issue.

    Hope this helps,


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    Thanks a lot for details.

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