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Some schedules not visible after upgrade and newly created schedules not visible

Hi i did upgrade from 20.08 to 22.11 and i dont see some old schedules in OO Central.

I can see them all in OO_TRIGGERS but some are not visible in OO Central.

Further more I can create new schedule but schedule is not visible in OO Central, but i can see him executing in Run Explorer


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    Hi Ivo, please raise this case through the normal Support channel so we can further investigate the situation. Please attach in the case the oo_triggers info for those specific schedules and whether you encounter any UI related errors in the browser inspector window console

  • 0  

    Hi Ivo, please raise this case through the normal Support channel so we can further investigate the situation. Please attach in the case the oo_triggers info for those specific schedules and whether you encounter any UI related errors in the browser inspector window console

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