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Powershell Environments Variables not beeing used

Hi all, 

i have an OO Worklow which contains a Powershell Script Operation (/Base [1.21.1]/Library/Operations/PowerShell/PowerShell Script):

Set-Location "${TerraformFilesPath}"
terraform apply --auto-approve

But this doesn't work. The Terraform Script which should be applied are accessing Environement Variables, but it seems, that this doesn't work. 

{exception=dotNETWebActions_PowerShell.PowerShellExceptions.ExtraCommandException: Could not execute powershell command.At line:7 char:1
+ terraform apply --auto-approve
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---> System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: [31mΓòâ•–[0m[0m
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at PowerShellV2.PSRunspaceV2.RunCommand[T](PSCommand command)
at PowerShellV2.PSRunspaceV2.RunCommand(PSCommand command)
at PowerShellV2.PSRunspaceV2.RunScript(String scriptText)
at dotNETWebActions_PowerShell.IActions.PowerShellBaseAction.ExecutePowerShell(ActionRequest req, ISession s, IActionRegistry reg);returnCode=1;stdout=[0m[1mvar.access_key[0m
[1mEnter a value:[0m [0m[0m[1mvar.secret_key[0m
[1mEnter a value:[0m [0m
;returnResult=Could not execute powershell command.At line:7 char:1
+ terraform apply --auto-approve

How can i make them available / how do i do terraform operations in OO?

Best Regards, 

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