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Unabled to clone a git repository from Studio 2020.08.0


I'm triying to configure git in my new Studio 2020.08.0 version.

First I have installed Git version 2.9.2 64 Bits and copy the bin Path in a new folder called Git (as appears in this guide After that, I introduce all my credencials in

But when I trie to click in clone Button next error apears:

07/16/21 13:44:01 - Clone https://bitbuckeXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
bitbucketXXXXXXXXXXXXX: cannot open git-upload-pack
PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I've tried configure my Studio.l4j.ini with this lines:

But it doesn't work (wor for connect to a remote central to debuging but not for GIT).

I tryed to configure the settings.xml file of my users profiles with this lines, but it's doesn't work Disappointed


Any Idea how to solve it?

Thanks in advance and regards!

  • 0

    Use GitHub Desktop (or git) and clone it externally. Then start Studio and you will magically have a working connection. Commits and everything else will work after that from Studio.

  • Suggested Answer

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    One other thing, in case you have self-signed certificate on your Git server, you need to import CA key into your /.oo/client.truststore and/or studio\var\security\client.truststore. In case this doesn't work and git is still not using self-signed certificates, you might just disable self-signed (which is not recommeneded)...

    This is in case, you are getting:

    PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

    Disabling global (for all users on this server/PC) or disable just for your self...

    git config --global http.sslVerify false
    All explained at

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