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How to escape slashes in JRSFlowInvoke command construction?

Anybody is aware, how to avoid call REST errors, when passed value contains slash? E.g. in below line, the call will fail with an error: "path not found" . Note: I replaced all vars by fake values :).


java -jar "C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Operations Orchestration\Studio\tools\JRSFlowInvoke.jar " -u USER -ep ENCRPTPASS "">SERVER:PORT/.../FLOWUUID


Anybody knows? Thanks.


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    Here is our sample java code that calls JRSFlowInvoke.jar


    //sending a parameter that contains url info

    URL = "/folder/attachments/filename.txt";

    sURL = sURL.replaceAll("/folder/attachments", "">http://url_path/attachments");
    sURL = sURL.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\");


    //sending a parameter

    fieldvalue = "\\parameter_value";

    fieldvalue = fieldvalue.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");