DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
This article gives the details of the way to address the vulnerability "SNMP Agent Default Community Name (public)" on the NA server.
Network Automation (NA) all versions
The user detected the following vulnerability on the NA server:
SNMP Agent Default Community Name (public)
CVE ID: CVE-1999-0517
An attacker may use this information to gain more knowledge about the remote host, or to change the configuration of the remote system (if the default community allows such modifications).
Impact: The community name of the remote SNMP server can be guessed.
Disable the SNMP service on the remote host if you do not use it.
Either filter incoming UDP packets going to this port, or change the default community string."
Plugin Output:
The remote SNMP server replies to the following default community string : public
For resolution, read the complete knowledge article