DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
You will found nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl failed with " with key RateCorrelation does not exist at element"
when you follow below steps to import incidentcfg.
a.Collect dump file for nnmincident.
/opt/OV/bin/nnmincidentcfgdump.ovpl -dump ./mgmtEventConfig.tag -type mgmtEventConfig
b.Delete all ENTRY from Management Event Configurations on NNMi GUI
c.For testing before importing, you will find that everything is normal.
/opt/OV/bin/nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl -validate ./mgmtEventConfig.tag
d.Loading dump file which export from step(a),then you will failed with below ERORR.
/opt/OV/bin/nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl -load ./mgmtEventConfig.tag
Translated: 110 configurations, now attempting import.
Starting a user transaction with a timeout of: 3,600 seconds.
Unable to import configuration due to database violation:
Referenced object of type with key RateCorrelation does not exist at element /mgmtEventConfig/rateConfiguration/correlationIncidentConfig..
Transaction is in progress rolling back.
Judging from the error,when you delete all management events from NNMi, the imported script cannot find key RateCorrelation.
The idea is to only import this "key" firstly to avoid this problem.
a.We need to backup mgmteventconfig.tag file which we had exported.
b.Modify file mgmteventconfig.tag.
Delete everything except RateCorrelation event, then save it.
The content after the file is modified is as follows.
cat /tmp/mgmtEventConfig.tag
*Name RateCorrelation
*Oid .
-Key com.hp.nms.incident.category.Performance
-Enable true
-Enable false
-Enable false
-HourInterval 0
-MinuteInterval 0
-SecondInterval 0
-ComparisonCriteria NAME
-DedupCount 2
-Enable false
-HourInterval 0
-MinuteInterval 0
-SecondInterval 0
-Description This incident is provided as a template to measure the number of incoming incidents within a defined time period.
-MessageFormat Rate Correlation for $eventName
-Severity WARNING
-Enable false
-Enable false
-ComparisonCriteria NAME
-Enable false
-HourInterval 0
-MinuteInterval 0
-RateCount 0
-SecondInterval 0
3.Import this modified file, this operation will be successful.
/opt/OV/bin/nnmincidentcfgload.ovpl -load ./mgmtEventConfig.tag
4.Now we can import the mgmtEventConfig.tag file which we backuped in step (a).