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Support Tip: Recovering/verifying device password used by Network Automation


Sometimes we may lose track of our device access credentials or simply need to verify what NA is attempting to use to connect to the devices in its inventory.

These credentials are masked in the UI and log files for obvious reasons but, they can be exported in to CSV files using the <NA Home>/client/tc_tools script with the option "Save device passwords to file" the number of the option may vary depending on the version of the script/NA.

Alternatively but riskier, they can also be unmasked in the log files by navigating to "Admin -- Administrative Settings -- User Interface" and unchecking the box "Mask Passwords in Log Files" but this should be a last resort or for troubleshooting purposes in which case support may be the one to request the unmasking and the masking should be turned back on as soon as the desired information is collected


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