• custom poller fails with Missing Filter configuration: required for table entry MIBs used in MIBexpression

    NNMi 23.4 P2 custom poller fails with Missing Filter configuration: required for table entry MIBs used in MIBexpression It's a very simple one using a predefined MIB-expression, here you see we want to monitor the line with the value of 27 and get…
  • How to get rid of failed deployment icons in OMT Apphub

    NNMI 23.4 Oracle Linux 9 OMT 23.4 on one machine Verdtca DB on dedicated machine We had one failed deployment attempt, see icon in the middle with namespace nom and a successful deployment with namespace nom1 Now we cannot delete the failed…
  • is it possible to export NNMi Incidents what would see when(time/date) Incident were assigned to some person?

    is it possible to export NNMi Incidents what would see when(time/date) Incident were assigned to some person? Customer asked that, and here are the methods to do this high and wide, had somebody done this and what would be the easiest way to achieve…
  • Mosts Actions --> Node Access Menu points don't work anymore with NNMi 23.4

    Mosts Actions --> Node Access Menu points don't work anymore with NNMi 23.4 Do we have a solution for this? NNM 23.4 NNM Patch: NNM234_00002 Linux Postgres DB Standalone Many Actions --> Node Access Menu points don't work anymore with NNMi…
  • where can the we configure the system health trsholds for stale collections

    NNMi 23.4 Linux-Standalone Customer gets all the time system help messages: Stale collections (8) has status Major because there were between 5 and 10 stale collections in the last 5 minutes. Some of the nodes are not responding at all, and the…
  • Nodes SNMP agent are not responding.

    Hi Team, If we changed Nodes SNMP Timeout setting 59 Second to 10 or Retries Count 5 Second to 4 Second, after that if any nodes reboot, Nodes status is Major and SNMP Agent is not Responding and If we remain SNMP Timeout Setting 59 Seconds and Retries…
  • if NNMi is used with an Oracle DB-is it possible and supported to use a new service instead of an instance to install QA?

    This is a special question, because the documentation tells that QA needs his own DB-Instance on the Oracle DB to be installed. https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/Network_Node_Manager_i/23.4/NNMi_as_a_standalone_cluster tells; You must create a new Oracle…
  • NNMi console not working 2022.11

    Hello Team, we have nnmi 2022.11 on windoes server 2019. while i am trying to access nnmi console but console not working. but nnmi services are working fine. Can any one suggest, what would be cause. Please suggest me soon. Thanks'
  • Problem with installing NNMi 2023.4 on Oracle Linux because of present librararies libpq.so

    According to the installation instructions https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/Network_Node_Manager_i/23.4/PrepareForNNMi it is mentioned to uninstall libraries, see below: Note: Make sure that you uninstall the libraries from the postgresql-libs-9.x package…
  • Enrichment configuration in NNMi for events

    Hello experts, we need to configure multiple severity for different thresholds. can we configure as below setup? If possible, then what will be the scripts ? can we get some examples of custom scripts ? CPU 5min more than 80% alerts is need…
  • NNMI System Health: The system is low on swap with XX.XX MB remaining

    NNM 2021.05 P1 Hotfix-NNMI-2021.05P1-UI-20220426 NPS 2020.08 Postgres DB No Cluster NPS Dedicated After a runtime of approx one month NNMi customer gets the system health major warning (1) :NNMI System Health: The system is low on swap with XX.XX MB…
  • NNMi 2021.05 thresholds don't work in custom pollers

    NNM 2021.05 NPS 2020.08 Postgres DB No Cluster NPS Dedicated Performance TS-Containerized 2020.08 We have configured a custom poller, and the values are correctly reported, but the thresholds don't work and so no incidents are created, does anybody…
  • Do we have a download page with all hotfixes for a NNMi Version?

    Do we have a download page with all hotfixes for a NNMi Version? For example for OBM we have such a list, where we can download the HF’s ( https://marketplace.microfocus.com/itom/content/operations-bridge-manager-obm-2022-05-hotfixes ) Known issues…
  • External Mode Ldap integration with NNMI

    Hi Guys, I want to do integration external ldap with NNMI, but I am getting some failed about that. you can see failed code below; User is not authorized for the requested resource. HTTP Status 403 - Access to the requested resource has been denied…
  • Master Collector and Traffic Collector Setup

    Can Master and Leaf collectors be co-located on the same NNMi Management Server 2021.11 in a standalone architecture for a Large Scale (9000 nodes) environment with Embedded Database? Using the helpful Interactive Guide shows nothing in Install NNMi…
  • How to access the logs in NNMi

    Dears, I am new to NNMi and open a support case and support engineer ask me to get the logs for master and leaf and went to master and not sure where to execute the below command appreciate if anyone can give me step by step procdure to excute the…
  • (NNMi) Support Tip: Some pointers in respect to Custom Poller incidents

    Folks, I have recently has the opportunity to look at a couple of scenarios based around the Custom Poller incidents. One was related to the customisation of them and the other was related to viewing the incidents generated from various different views…
  • (NNMi) Support Tip: Why am I being prompted to select a certificate

    Folks, If you are using CA signed certificates for the NNMi server you may find you are being prompted to select a certificate when connecting to the NNMi UI using https. The following document details what is happening and how you can avoid the pop…
  • (NNMi) Support Tip: How does NNMi handle Summer time changes

    Folks, As the clocks are about to start changing for us the following document seems appropriate: KM03241954 How does NNMi handle Summer time changes All the best Dave Y
  • (NNMi) Support Tip: How does NNMi handle Summer time changes

    Folks, It happens twice a year, for most of us, but I don't think it is very clearly documented how NNMi handles the Summer time changes when we either lose and hour or gain an hour. The following document explains what you are likely to see when the…
  • (NNMi) Support Tip: How to incorporate filter fields that may contain a "null" value

    Folks, When working with NNMi filters there are occassions when the value you are testing for may be a "null" value. If you create a filter using just 'field like "string"' or 'field not like "string"' You might be surprised at some of the results because…
  • (NNMi) Support Tip: How to include a negative value in a trap

    Folks, Should you need to generate a trap that has a negative varbind value then the following document will prove useful Both OS platforms require an extra parameter on the command line, and on Linux the nnmsnmpnotify.ovpl script needs an alteration…
  • (NNMi) Support Tip: What is the "ovsuf" file and how is it used in NNMi

    Folks, Have you wondered how the NNMi processes are started and stopped when you issue the ovstart/ovstop commands? Do you need to complement the NNMi features with a script or process that needs to start and stop with NNMi? The following KCS document…
  • (NNMi) Support Tip: Detect Interface Changes

    Hello Forumites, Occasionally it is observed that some interfaces are deleted from the NNMi inventory and then re-created. This results to loss of any customized interface management that was configured for the old interface and also any custom attributes…
  • (NNMi) Support Tip: How to view all the attributes of a certificate stored in a PKCS12 keystore

    Folks, If you are working with the new PKCS12 certificate files you may have noticed that the nnmkeytool.ovpl script does not print out the amount of detail about the certificate that the old keytool command did for the JKS certificate files. The following…