snapshot task on Cisco APIC failing


NA 2022.11 
Cisco APIC 

Driver discovery for Cisco APIC primary controller has completed, however snapshot task is failing.

Please be noted we are connecting to APIC using SSH user with below format,


Does NA accept this format and is this the reason snapshot task is failing.

Is there any way we can specify SSH and SNMP credentials in APIC directly in Network automation itself.

Can we specify timeout parameter for snapshot task.

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    I don't want to say "no, that's not formatted" but I've not seen that myself.  

    What "isn't working"?

    You can either set up credentials for a single device (Edit device) or you can set up a Password Rule and then that rule can either be applied to all devices or a subset of devices.  

    Don't you have other APIC controllers working?  Do those use the same credentials?  Or same formatting?  

    If so, perfect - take two smapshots - one on the "problem" device and then one on the "good" device and let them run and when done, look at the logs to see what is | isn't working.  

    Let's try this:

    1) do you see NA ssh to the devicfe

    2) does NA send the credentials

    3) do the credentials get NA logged in

    4) Once logged in, does NA issue any commands

    5) What error(s) are you seeing in the task?  

    One thing that is easy to miss - for APIC controllers, you need to enable HTTP or HTTPS, NA needs this as ssh alone isn't enough.  (think this is mentioned in driver note)

    Timeout value - yes / no.  Not in task form but you can set up optional variables like ssh timeout and things like that - again, edit device or within password rule.  

    Good luck,


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    I don't want to say "no, that's not formatted" but I've not seen that myself.  

    What "isn't working"?

    You can either set up credentials for a single device (Edit device) or you can set up a Password Rule and then that rule can either be applied to all devices or a subset of devices.  

    Don't you have other APIC controllers working?  Do those use the same credentials?  Or same formatting?  

    If so, perfect - take two smapshots - one on the "problem" device and then one on the "good" device and let them run and when done, look at the logs to see what is | isn't working.  

    Let's try this:

    1) do you see NA ssh to the devicfe

    2) does NA send the credentials

    3) do the credentials get NA logged in

    4) Once logged in, does NA issue any commands

    5) What error(s) are you seeing in the task?  

    One thing that is easy to miss - for APIC controllers, you need to enable HTTP or HTTPS, NA needs this as ssh alone isn't enough.  (think this is mentioned in driver note)

    Timeout value - yes / no.  Not in task form but you can set up optional variables like ssh timeout and things like that - again, edit device or within password rule.  

    Good luck,


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    Thanks for your inputs.

    Where I can set up HTTP/HTTPS for APIC controllers, from driver note, I am seeing below, but not sure how can I configure,

    This note applies only for drivers that use HTTP requests for driver functions. HTTP proxy operations are supported by setting the device access variable "http_proxy" to "ip:port", replacing with the IP and port values of the proxy server. SNI-requiring devices (e.g CloudGenix & Cisco Meraki) can be supported by using the device access variable "alternate_host" to contain the DNS name of the host. The host name will be used rather than the normal management IP address for all HTTP requests, effectively supporting SNI

    Also from Driver notes, I am seeing below

    By default, this driver manages the parent APIC and child Nexus devices separately, including the configuration for each using separate virtual devices. Specifically, the APIC parent only contains the configuration for itself and none of the children. If the device access variable "get_all" is set to "true", the parent APIC will collect the configuration for all child nodes in with its own configuration. To disable the collection of controllers, leaf switches and spine switches, set access variable "disable_controllers" to "true". To disable the collection leaf switches and spine switches, set access variable "apic_disable_leaf" to "true".

    Please can you let me know how can I set device access variable "get_all" to true.