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NNM9i - custom poller - specific bgppeerstate

I want to be able to check every 15 minutes on the bgppeerstate of an connection ipaddr and if the state is not 6 generate an Incident. I do not want to check all nodes in a node group and all instances on them if possible.

This was a simple task in nnm7 with data collection - but I am just not getting to grips with it in nnm9.

Can someone give me an helping hand?

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    Hi drv23 :-),
    thanks for you input, I think this should work but I get an error when trying to save the custom poll. I have just opened a case with HP - there must be something wrong.

    I can´t get rid the feeling that in this HP is going backwards in ease of use. As you know from experience you are frequently polling a specific device and specific instance - and this approach does not seem good at first glance - but then I have just started with NNM9 - had the other for several years.

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    You got any solution from the HP.

    I am also facing same issue on the custom poller.
    Can you provide the screenshot of configuration.

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    yes I got a solution from HP - did not work :-)

    Got another solution frm HP - that did work, just shows how complicated this is compared to the old NNM.


    If I remember this correctly 

    1.  Create a custom poller Collection ( enable "Generate Incident"  )

    2.  Create Comparison Maps

    • ordering = 1, Comparison Operator = , Comparison Value "6", State Mapping "Normal"
    • ordering = 2, Comparison Operator != , Comparison Value "6", State Mapping  "Critical"

    3.  Create MIB Expression ( the "Expression" is bgpPeerState" . )

    4. Create MIB Filter Variable ( bgpPeerRemoteAddr )

    5. Create Custome Poller Policy

    • give it a name
    • give it a order no
    • select the collection you created in no 3
    • activate it
    • apply this to a node group ( you have to apply to a node group - create one for one route if needed ).
    • put the ip number of the bgpPeer you want to monitor in "MIB Filter"
    • select the Polling frequency


    I will attach some pics also



