SA 24.1 upgrade issue

Hi Experts,

I'm trying to upgrade SA 2022.11 to 24.1 single core mesh.

It went smooth half way but during slice component, i'm getting below error. don't have any clue on this. DB team is asking to provide the table name , which is not showing in error. Please suggest on this

{'message': "<class 'oracledb.exceptions.DatabaseError'>: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column\nHelp

Wayscript installation failed. Archive left in /var/tmp/oitmp/wayscripts.archive

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    Run this command manually , still getting the same error:

    Installing AppConfig.Audit (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing AppConfig.Preview (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing AppConfig.Push (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing AppConfig.Revert (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing ServerModule.Execute (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing Snapshot.cmlRemediate (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing Snapshot.cmlSnapshot (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing Virtualization.ManageVirtualServer (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing Virtualization.ScanHypervisors (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing __global__.adt_deploy_agents.bat (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Installing (version SA.90.0.95037.0)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "./xmlrpc/", line 136, in __request
    File "./xmlrpc/", line 193, in __request
    File "./", line 136, in request
    File "./xmlrpc/", line 168, in parse_response
    File "./xmlrpc/", line 101, in close

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "./util/", line 511, in <module>
    File "./util/", line 499, in main
    File "./util/", line 460, in install_scripts
    File "./", line 89, in __call__
    File "./xmlrpc/", line 114, in __call__
    File "./xmlrpc/", line 140, in __request
    been_cascaded: 0
    error_id: HPSA-080
    error_name: spin.valueTooLarge
    faultCode: 3
    faultString: spin.valueTooLarge

    params: {'message': "<class 'oracledb.exceptions.DatabaseError'>: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column\nHelp: ">"}
    request: UNKNOWN
    tb_chain: [[{'file': './', 'line': 854, 'function': 'execute'}, {'file': './', 'line': 248, 'function': 'execute'}, {'file': './', 'line': 404, 'function': 'trapConnectionErrors'}, {'file': './', 'line': 383, 'function': 'execute'}, {'file': 'src/oracledb/impl/thin/cursor.pyx', 'line': 132, 'function': 'oracledb.thin_impl.ThinCursorImpl.execute'}, {'file': 'src/oracledb/impl/thin/protocol.pyx', 'line': 420, 'function': 'oracledb.thin_impl.Protocol._process_single_message'}, {'file': 'src/oracledb/impl/thin/protocol.pyx', 'line': 421, 'function': 'oracledb.thin_impl.Protocol._process_single_message'}, {'file': 'src/oracledb/impl/thin/protocol.pyx', 'line': 414, 'function': 'oracledb.thin_impl.Protocol._process_message'}]]
    timestamp: 26/Jan/2024 141523
    timeticks: None