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I've been playing with SA, DMA and CSA in a lab environment as a self study endeavor.


So far SA and DMA are working fine, I'm using a self signed certificate on my DMA server and my deployments work but haven't been able to integrate CSA and DMA.


In an attempt to facilitate de integration CSA - DMA I configured DMA to not use SSL and to listen on port 9090. With this configuration the CSA - DMA integration works but my CSA deployments die miserably with the followin errors:


Error from remote (3056): Handler pre-check failed

The West APX execution was not successful


Is there something specific I must to in order to run DMA without using SSL other than configure the server ? Is this possible ?



  • Verified Answer


    Found the answer.


    Turns out the problem was due to the target Windows server not having an account named "Administrator" active.


    Found some procedure on the DMA Admin Guide and fixed the problem.


    Thought it'd be good to post the answer in case someone else get bitten by this.

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    What is the exact resolution for this error?

    Error from remote (3056): Handler pre-check failed
    The West APX execution was not successful