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DMA Auto Cancel workflows



As DMA workflows execution are stateless on the DMA server end , there are cases where the target servers gets restarted accidently or the WEST (Workflow Execution ScripT ) dies or runs forever on the target during such events the DMA workflow execution would be always shown as running on the DMA application console.


To address such execution overrun, Auto Cancel was introduced as enhancement from the DMA ultimate 10.40 release.

By default this feature is not enabled during new install or upgrade.

To enable this feature two flags needs to be appended to the dma.xml File

( /opt/hp/dma/server/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/dma.xml).

com.hp.dma.core.action.CancelWorkflowNoUpdate" value="true"

"com.hp.dma.core.action.WorkflowExecutionTokenCleaner.CancelWorkflowNoUpdatePeriod" value="5400"

How does this work

If “com.hp.dma.core.action.CancelWorkflowNoUpdate" is set to true (default is false) then as per time period mentioned for "com.hp.dma.core.action.WorkflowExecutionTokenCleaner.CancelWorkflowNoUpdatePeriod" in secs, system will mark the workflow as auto cancelled in case of no update sent by target server to DMA server within that specified time period.

If the feature is enabled, a workflow will be automatically cancelled if it has not responded after the pre-defined time-out period.




Additionally DMA also provides a script ‘’** which is placed under the folder /opt/hp/dma/server/tomcat/webapps/dma/WEB-INF, can be run offline or using an external trigger. This script when executed , will list and mark workflow which meets the criteria for auto cancel as per time period mentioned for "com.hp.dma.core.action.WorkflowExecutionTokenCleaner.CancelWorkflowNoUpdatePeriod" in secs.



* Before editing dma.xml the dma service (service dma stop) needs to be shutdown.

** Usage: [-u] | [-update]

Where: providing the option (-u or -update) is not mandatory. If provided then this option will cancel all eligible workflows without prompting user's input. Else it will list the eligible workflows and then prompt user's input to cancel it or not.


For more information about HPE DMA offering please refer here and for Data Center Automation suite refer here.