• We are using the wizard "Assign Stock Item to User" to issue the asset for user. After finish this wizard or commit the transaction we want to print the crystal report for this transaction before click OK.

    We are using the wizard "Assign Stock Item to User" to issue the asset for user. After finish this wizard or commit the transaction we want to print the crystal report for this transaction before click OK. Commit transaction id or field automatically…
  • AM 9.80 MAPI Mail not running

    After migration vom AM 9.71 to AM 9.80 MAPI Mail is not running. Mail.ini is there, but I am getting the following error message. Any idea?
  • Connect IT Document Log to text file

    HI Team, Can we write the Errors in Connect IT Document Log to a text log file. If yes please can someone share me the way to do this ? Regards, Sumant Kulkarni
  • How to reset the password of the Admin user.

    Hello Guys, I have installed the Asset Manager and set the password while creating the DB. But now I forget the password of the same user. please let us know the way to reset the password of this user as I have only this user exists. Thank you…
  • Getting Error while create Database from application designer

    Dears, I have installed AM 9.80 and I have created the ODBC connection to connect to DB and created the connection. But after opening the gbbase.xml and create database option i am getting the error "Autopass license invalid or cannot be found"…
  • AM Webservice RestAPI updated fields in response body

    Hi community, i have a short topic regarding the updated fields to be displayed in the response body after performing a PUT RestAPI request to AM Webservice (Current version of AM 9.70). I have updated a perticular field (say "lCostCenterId") of a…
  • Software Counter for PVU

    What is the propoer steps or guide to calculate the IBM PVUs counters , like updating PVU lookup tables and so on
  • Asset Manager 9.5 Installation

    Hi everyone, I try to install the AM 9.5 but I always get the following error message: Error 1311. Source file not found: C:\Users\......\AutoWe~1.cab etc. (See attachments) I found a patch that is suppose to solve that problem but that doesnt work either…
  • Custom Table with Link to amPortfolio

    Hello all, I want to create a Custom Table where I can add custom fields needed by my organization. I also want to have it so that when a new PI is created, the link to this Table is initiated so that my users can enter data, even after the creation of…
  • HPAM Upgrade

    Hello, Can anyone help me in up gradation. I'm currently using HPAM 9.31 version and want to upgrade it to 9.5 version. Can anyone tell me what are the patches/steps to upgrade. Also can i upgrade it to directly to 9.5 or I need to go - 9.4 then 9.5 Waiting…
  • Error in encryption of passwords to cofigure AM package properties

    Hello experts I have a issue with the encryption method, after run the next command in the command prompt C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Asset Manager 9.50 en\websvc\password>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_74"\bin\java.exe -jar am-pwd-crypt-95.jar <pass to…
  • AM 9.40 Dashboard not working on Web Client

    I have installed a AM 9.40 instance along with the web client. I am able to preview the Custom & OOB Dashboards on the windows client. Tools > Actions > Edit > Filter by Dashboards. But on the web client, it just comes up as a blank page. No error, just…
  • AM 9.4 Changing the screen colors of web client

    Is there any official guidance or method for altering the color scheme for Asset Manager web client? We recently upgraded to AM 9.41 and our customer does not like the color scheme. I've looked at some of the CSS files, but there is no obvious place to…
  • AM 9.40 supports HP-UX?

    Asset Manger 9.30 compatibity matrix has HP UX listed as supported for both the Oracle server and the Automated Process Manager, but in the 9.40 version HP-UX is not listed anywhere. Is HP-UX not supported anymored? Thanks
  • AM 9.40 CSC - Chargeback rules doesn't work

    Hi all, I've recently installed in a customer the new AM9.40 CSC and after configure the CIT scenarios to populate CSA data I realized that the OOTB chargeback rules doesn't work properly. The problem seems that the rules are not able to calculate the…
  • Downgrade Software Counters

    Hi All, I have a tricky challenge that I'm struggling to overcome and I hope someone out there has come across a similar situation in the past and can offer some words of advice. I'm using AM9.3 with SAM Best Practice. I want to create a series of counters…
  • Best Practices Reports

    I have installed UD10 & discovery is happening correctly - There is no issues. The Data from uCMDB 10 is pushed in AM 9.x - These is no issues. The reports in the SAM Dashboard is not getting calculated. Do I have to make any changes to make the dashboard…
  • ITAM practitioner Forum

    ITAM User Community. There is an ITAM community forum held on Monday twice a month (2nd and last Monday of a month, duration is 1 hour), where you can exchange information and advice with other customers, partners and HP persons. The standing agenda is…
  • AM 9.3 query filter

    Hi hi, I have AM 9.3 on Windows. I am trying to make a filter on amPortfolio that select elements in which the Supervisor.Name="choice of user", so in the WHERE condition I wrote: AmDbVal(Supervisor.Name, 'Supervisor', 'write the Supervisor') = Supervisor…