Connect-IT scenario inserting duplicate value into model table but with different FullName.

Hi All,

While pushing CI into AM using connect-it scenario, we observed that

  1. it is adding a duplicate entry into amModel table with same value for "Name" but with a different value for "FullName"(Please refer below snap). 
  2. It is not inserting subsequent CIs with same model name. 



  • Suggested Answer


    Not sure what your question is, however, I will assume it relates more with your bullet 2 in that subsequent CIs are not being inserted because the CIT scenario processing is rejecting due to not knowing which model record to associate with, and this is most likely due to the CIT scenario mapping reconciling on model name (ie. red key).

    I do not recommend this, but subsequent CIs would be inserted if the CIT scenario mapping was reconciling on model FullName as that is the more unique value.

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    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for the information. However we identified the issue. It was due to a custom field created by customer for Models.



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