We are in phase of migration AM 9.71 to 9.90.
In the stage of converting the database, it throws an error at final stage related to username o password are incorrects (attached image)
The log file says:
2024/01/04 09:43:17.391 3 4 DROP TABLE amPasswordHistOld
2024/01/04 09:43:17.422 2 4 Creación de desencadenadores...
2024/01/04 09:43:18.328 2 8 [Db] Desconexión del servidor 'vasset207'...
2024/01/04 09:43:18.330 2 4 [Registro de auditoría]: el usuario 'Admin' cerró sesión correctamente desde 'VASSETSRV207' a través de 'Asset Manager Application Designer'.
2024/01/04 09:43:18.360 2 8 [Db] Conexión al servidor 'vasset207'...
2024/01/04 09:43:18.594 2 8 [Db] Login del usuario 'Admin'
2024/01/04 09:43:18.625 3 8 [Db] Verificación de la estructura de la base de datos...
2024/01/04 09:43:18.625 3 8 [Db] Lectura de la descripción de la base...
2024/01/04 09:43:18.828 2 1 (-2000) El nombre de usuario o la contraseña son incorrectos
2024/01/04 09:43:18.844 2 4 [Registro de auditoría]: el usuario 'Admin' no pudo iniciar sesión desde 'VASSETSRV207' a través de 'Asset Manager Application Designer'.
The verify integrity and the propagate structure stages was OK.
If i omit the error, we can connect to the new database 9.90 with AM client 9.90, and it appears that have no error. But i´m worried if something goes wrong.
Any ideas os this error?