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We are using the wizard "Assign Stock Item to User" to issue the asset for user. After finish this wizard or commit the transaction we want to print the crystal report for this transaction before click OK.

We are using the wizard "Assign Stock Item to User" to issue the asset for user. After finish this wizard or commit the transaction we want to print the crystal report for this transaction before click OK. Commit transaction id or field automatically sync to crystal report parameter fields for get the details in crystal report as per design. Customer requirement is he want to click on the button to print the crystal report. Someone please help here. 


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    Executing a report before completing the wizard will not work as the wizard node values have not been committed to the database.  Only after the wizard completes will the report execute correctly.

    I am not familiar with that wizard, so I can only assume it is out of box, therefore, duplicating the wizard (oob actions cannot be adjusted) and adjusting the FINISH.DO logic to execute the report is required.  Either that or create a workflow to execute report.

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    Executing a report before completing the wizard will not work as the wizard node values have not been committed to the database.  Only after the wizard completes will the report execute correctly.

    I am not familiar with that wizard, so I can only assume it is out of box, therefore, duplicating the wizard (oob actions cannot be adjusted) and adjusting the FINISH.DO logic to execute the report is required.  Either that or create a workflow to execute report.

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    Hi Mark,

    we are accessing the crystal report through wizard after click finish but now we want to pass the parameters to crystal report prompt panel in wizard so that  report would be generate for that particular record on which user was working or just modify.

    We are write below script to pass the parameter, could you please to correct this script so that we can pass the filter parameter to crystal report panel.

    '--Prepare for PDF Print

    Dim rows2Add2 as String
    Dim hq1 As Long
    Dim lErr1 as Long
    Dim lReportId as Long
    Dim lValue as String
    rows2Add2 = ""

    hq1 = AmQueryCreate()
    lErr1 = amQueryExec(hq1, "SELECT lReportId FROM amReport WHERE lReportId = '3557697' ")
    'lValue = AmGetFieldStrValue(hq, "lPortfolioItemId", {pgPrintQR.ICTSTORE})

    Do While lErr1=0

    lReportId = amGetFieldStrValue(hq1,0)

    rows2Add2 = RetVal
    RetVal = AmActionPrint("3557697")
    lErr1 = amQueryNext(hq1)
    RetVal = amSetProperty("PgReports.sLabels2", rows2Add2)

    '--Print pdf file

    Dim PDF as String
    Dim ICTSTORE as String

    'PDF = genPDFforLabels2({PrinterParams.sJobName1}, {PrinterParams.sFormat1}, {PrinterParams.sPrinter1}, {PgReports.sLabels2})

    ICTSTORE = FreeFile()
    Open {PgReports.sFileName1} For Output Access Write As #ICTSTORE
    Print #"ICTSTORE", "PDF"
    Close #ICTSTORE