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Hello All,

I have created the custom page with the details as below. now I want to add the order by clause to this page. please suggest. When I open my screen and see this page all the values in this page should be order by desc based on the ModifiedOn column.

OneToManyLinkEdit-amHistory:HistObject|ListConfig="Field,20,NewVal,20,PreviousVal,20,Author,30,dtLastModif,20,memPreviousCmt,20" Caption="\"Add history line to '\"self\"'\"" SelectPage="CAwSelHist" FilterPage="sysHistory" Mode="1" Id="1"

Thank you.



  • 0

    I never could figure this out.  Not sure whether an "OrderByCond" or "OrderCond" (like a WhereCond) can be used as I never tried.  Other than that, the only way I know is to create a View, then either convert this View to a screen or change the Database Options (ie. Tools menubar) to call views before screens.

  • 0

    I never could figure this out.  Not sure whether an "OrderByCond" or "OrderCond" (like a WhereCond) can be used as I never tried.  Other than that, the only way I know is to create a View, then either convert this View to a screen or change the Database Options (ie. Tools menubar) to call views before screens.

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