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Budget Creation Constrains


I tried to create  multiple budgets for same budget center and division, but for different classifications, but it gave me error that i can't according to data integrity, i can't create because there is a budget is existing for same budget center and division.

please any advise how to create many budgets for different classifications and same budget center and division.



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    The conflict you are receiving is due to Budget Name must be unique.  Concatenate Budget and Budget Classification for unique Budget Name, then the data integrity issue will go away.  This can be done using Budget Name and Budget Classification Name or Budget Name and Budget Classification Code or some other uniqueness.

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    I already created Budget with unique names, but it gave me this error:

     Financial year "2022" is already used by budget "xyz"

    Agent "Budgets Agent" returned error :'-2009'

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    Please review the index constraints using AM Designer application for budgets.  There you will see associations for budgets, budget centers, and Divisions must be unique.

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    Thank you for your clarification, but what if i want to create multiple budgets for same budget center and same division, but for different classifications, is this applicable?

    As shown in below chart in user guide:

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    Thank you for your clarification, but what if i want to create multiple budgets for same budget center and same division, but for different classifications, is this applicable?

    As shown in below chart in user guide:

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    It is applicable and what you write is just like those pics show.  Budgets and Budget Classifications is a 1:1 link.

    Hint:  "Budget 2001" and "Budget 2002" in the pic are child Budget Centers...not Budgets.