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install AM 9.8 | where i do select the database ?

Hello Dears

i'm doing a free installation of Asset Manager 9.8 

i run the installation wizard as normal , in the wizard i got asked for target SQL server and user name and password , but i do not chose a database , and the wizard finises in amost 5 min. however i selected a full installation 

once the wizard is completed , i do not find any database created ? 

so my question is how to select the target database of installation ? what i miss here


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    Hello Amr,
    Here some suggestions (if you have not managed to deal with the installation & DB already).
    1. run the AM setup.exe with right click Run as Administrator

    2. Choose "Custom install"

    3. follow the wizard and on the page with the modules to install, we recommend to remove the "Demonstration database".

    4. Finish the install

    5. You may see one DB connection created as "AmDemo98" or similar - its not active - please delete it from the AM "Manage connections" pane , as well as remove it from the 64-bit ODBC. You dont need it, so remove in order to avoid any future confusion.

    6. Create your own AM test database and dedicated user (owner of this DB).

    7. Create the new DB in AM Application designer.

  • 0  

    Hello Amr,
    Here some suggestions (if you have not managed to deal with the installation & DB already).
    1. run the AM setup.exe with right click Run as Administrator

    2. Choose "Custom install"

    3. follow the wizard and on the page with the modules to install, we recommend to remove the "Demonstration database".

    4. Finish the install

    5. You may see one DB connection created as "AmDemo98" or similar - its not active - please delete it from the AM "Manage connections" pane , as well as remove it from the 64-bit ODBC. You dont need it, so remove in order to avoid any future confusion.

    6. Create your own AM test database and dedicated user (owner of this DB).

    7. Create the new DB in AM Application designer.

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