• Is there a way to find out if scheduled job has executed

    Hi, We have scheduled multiple discovery job to run at different times. Is there a way to find out if it has executed, start and completed times. Regards, Sridhara.
  • Store files with Inventory by Scanner

    Hello In Inventory by scanner it is possible to store content of some files. By default /etc/hosts, /etc/groups, ... and we can specify specific files. In the .xsf files generated by the scanner we can see these files and their contents. Do you…
  • Software Data Signature of OpenJDK software changed from File Based to Rule Based

    Hello Since year, the Software Data Signature of OpenJDK software was changed from File Based to Rule Based. On the master.zsai and Unix.zsai signature files version August 2022, the Software Data signature of OpenJDK software were file and rule…
  • Data Flow Probe - Container

    Dear Community, Client would like to have uD - Data Flow Probe in dockers ( installed externally ) and then to be integrated with Classic ucmdb, is this possible ? . as per documentation , DFP is embedded in the CMS container & for external its just…
  • Racks/Enclosures Discovery

    Dear Team, Greetings. Is there a direct way to discover Infra CIs for ex , Racks,enclosures, PDUs etc... these CITyepes are currently possible by using Oneview or SIM integration. However looking for direct way to discover directly using discovery…
  • Export error list of a job results to CSV

    Hello team, Im doing a PoC where the customer is interested in having a list of devices where SNMP is not allowed. This "warning" list of ips I highlight below, are the results i need in a report or excel, but I dont know how to export them…
  • How to SAP Solution manager 7.2 discovery in UCMDB using CIM protocol?

    Hello Expert, I am new to UCMDB. I want to discover SAP solution manager 7.2 version discovery in ucmdb using CIM protocol. We have configured service account in credentials for discovery , but still we are unable to connect to SAP SolMan. Also , when…
  • are we able to discover NAS (Network Attached Storage)?

    Hello team, are we able to discover NAS (Network Attached Storage)? Thanks in advance
  • are we able to discover SAN (Storage Area Networks)?

    Hello team, are we able to discover SAN (Storage Area Networks)? thanks in advance, best regards
  • are we able to discover DAS (Direct Attached Storage)?

    Hello team, are we able to discover DAS (Direct Attached Storage)? thanks in advance, best regards
  • is it possible to encrypt CI properties in UCMDB?

    Hello team, one client is asking about possibility to encript properties of a CI. for example, sensitive information or something they want to protect. for example, not being able to see a property if they don't have a master password, or something…
  • No Universal Discovery Module

    Hello guys, please help me with this. Maybe it's obvious but I'm not sure. Currently we're using UCMDB in 10.33 version but recently we set up a new 2020.11 standalone server and we noticed that we have no Universal Discovery module there. Is it…
  • Universal Discovery for Oracle License Management Implementation Software User Guide

    Universal Discovery for Oracle License Management Implementation Software User Guide, Software Software Version: 1.10, has been released. Universal Discovery for Oracle License Management Implementation Software enables you to collect the required data…