Run Live Discovery

Does anyone knows what is the purpose of  "Run Live Discovery" scheduled job and what is really doing?

I can find only this in the documentation


  • Verified Answer


    Hello Emil,

    Live Discovery was a feature introduced long time ago in order to quickly dispatch new triggers. If your Host Connection job runs once per week but 2 days before the scheduled run you get 100 new IPs then with Live Discovery those 100 new IPs would be quickly dispatched for Host Connection, for example. This meant that all the trigger TQLs were calculated in the background every few minutes. Initially this was not a problem but over time as the environments grew bigger this was a performance problem.

    So RnD decided to schedule Live Discovery to avoid calculating those trigger TQLs too often as it had a performance impact.

    When a probe runs a job with schedule, Live discovery is calculating all triggers to see which triggers are changed then re-dispatch it to the probe again.
    But this it is very demanding process so most customers only run it 1 time /1 week.

    In Infra Manager you have the option to define the number of hours to recalculate all the triggers to get the trigger delta which needs to be redispatched. 168 hours should be fine (1 week). this is what the scheduled job does.


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    Appreciate the extra info and the quick reply Bogdan!

    Looks like for Live Discovery starts Inventory Discovery by Scanner discovery for the same 312 triggers every day according to the mam.livediscovery.log log file on the server.

    I am trying to understand why these specific 312 triggers from the total of 1248 are selected every day. This job was scheduled to run every day anyway (It's a test env.)

    It would be nice if there is more info in the official documentation about the purpose of this job in the scheduler.

    Line 2139: 2025-02-05 22:00:11,609 INFO [RequestProcessorAsyncPool-4697112][CustomerId:1] - Live discovery: Dispatch triggers for job DN Inventory Discovery by Scanner on tql dn_scanner_shell. Triggers size: 312
    Line 2261: 2025-02-06 22:00:11,420 INFO [RequestProcessorAsyncPool-5120034][CustomerId:1] - Live discovery: Dispatch triggers for job DN Inventory Discovery by Scanner on tql dn_scanner_shell. Triggers size: 312
    Line 2371: 2025-02-07 22:00:11,824 INFO [RequestProcessorAsyncPool-5554186][CustomerId:1] - Live discovery: Dispatch triggers for job DN Inventory Discovery by Scanner on tql dn_scanner_shell. Triggers size: 312
    Line 2481: 2025-02-08 22:00:06,502 INFO [RequestProcessorAsyncPool-5983562][CustomerId:1] - Live discovery: Dispatch triggers for job DN Inventory Discovery by Scanner on tql dn_scanner_shell. Triggers size: 312
    Line 2527: 2025-02-09 22:00:02,560 INFO [RequestProcessorAsyncPool-6436674][CustomerId:1] - Live discovery: Dispatch triggers for job DN Inventory Discovery by Scanner on tql dn_scanner_shell. Triggers size: 312
    Line 2661: 2025-02-10 22:00:04,127 INFO [RequestProcessorAsyncPool-6909021][CustomerId:1] - Live discovery: Dispatch triggers for job DN Inventory Discovery by Scanner on tql dn_scanner_shell. Triggers size: 312