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URL in service discovery


uCMDB version 23.4

This URL is not getting accepted here whereas it is a valid one.

I have tried different combinations still it just wouldn't work .

If someone know how this could be resolved, please let me know.


Haniyya Rehan

  • Verified Answer


    Hello, can you confirm the server status still on "starting"?

    Also, for the URL, can you confirm:

    URLs have the one of the following formats:

    • [<protocol>://][<name>][.<domain>][.<root-domain>][:<port>][/<site>]
    • [<protocol>://][<IP>][:<port>][/<site>]


    • <protocol> = http:// or https://
    • <name> = The <name> can contain any Unicode letter, character, or number. The <name> may contain a dash ("-"), but not at the beginning or at the end, nor can there be two or more consecutive dashes. The <name> may not contain any other special character.
    • <domain> = Same as <name>.
    • <root-domain> = The <root-domain> must contain at least two characters, and can contain any Unicode letter, but no numbers. The <root-domain> may not contain any special characters.
    • <IP> = Any valid IPv4 address.
    • <port> = The <port> may contain only digits—at least two, and no more than 5.
    • <site> = Any character (including special characters), but excluding white spaces.


    Only the <name> or <IP> values are mandatory (depending on the selected format for the URL); all other values are optional.

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    Thank you Ana.

    Somehow i couldn't do it using IP, I converted it into the domain and then discovered it.

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    Haniyya is right.  The following format does not work with Service Discovery:

    The uCMDB considers a Service Discovery URL containing an IP address to be a malformed URL.