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Integration Point not works after migration from AM 9.71 to AM 9.90

Hello Team:

We have migrate our AM 9.71 to AM 9.90 sucesfully.

But now, our integration points in UCMDB 2019.02 (CP 2019.11.102) not works.

We have deployed the in UCMDB and add the version "9.90" in the source of AMGenericAdapter adapter to reflect the new AM version.
In the Integration point we can choose the 9.90 AM verison, but the Test connection throws an error "General error in Integration "AM ONCE Produccion"

We have checked that the probe have the dll's and jar files of amgenericadapterAPI_9.90.
If we do the same Test connection but with connecting to other host with AM 9.71 the test is sucesfully

com.hp.ucmdb.discovery.probe.request.ProbeSideProcessorException: [ErrorCode [802] General
Integration Error{AM ONCE Produccion}]
Asset Manager DLLs and/or Jars are missing.

 Verify that the package <AMGenericAdapterAPI_{AM Version
Number}.zip>\discoveryResources\AMGenericAdapter\amVersion\<AM Version Value> contains needed DLLs
and Jars.

In case they are missing You should do the following steps :
    1. Create a package named AMGenericAdapterAPI_{AM Version Number}.zip.
    2. Copy files both from :
        <Asset Manager Installation folder>\x64\*.dll and <Asset Manager Installation
folder>\websvc\lib\*.jar into the created zip under the following path <AMGenericAdapterAPI_{AM
Version Number}.zip>\discoveryResources\AMGenericAdapter\amVersion\<AM Version Value - Example :
    3. Deploy AMGenericAdapterAPI_{AM Version Number}.zip
please check probe error log for the

  • Suggested Answer



    Just to confirm the problem is in AM 9.90? What is the exact error message you get? What were you finding when checking the probe error log file?