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UCMDB pushing double entry in Service Now

Dear Expert,

we have uCMDB to ServiceNow integration through which we are pushing Business Application CI Type from UCMDB to Service.

In query we limit only 1 CI to push from UCMDB to Service now staging table, but after running integration job we observe 2 records got created in ServiceNow.

we want to know what causing this issue.

UCMDB version 2023.05



  • Suggested Answer



    There is a higher probability to be an issue on SNOW side than on UCMDB. Have you double checked that indeed that CI did not exist in SNOW before.

    To double check on UCMDB side you can

    1.  double check the tql and its layout in order to have all required attributes by SNOW
    2. double check that the test CI does not exist in SNOW
    3. enabled debug for fcmdb*logs on both server and probe
      1. you should see only 1 CI calculated on server side and sent to probe
      2. on probe side you should see the CI being sent to SNOW and its confirmation. Only one call should be logged

    If everything looks good then you could also enable debug on SNOW side to see what happens with the CI.

    Hope it helps.

    Best Regards,

  • Suggested Answer

    0 in reply to   

    ..Also do check in Service Now mapping if a coalesce key is present. You may have duplicates in case of no such key defined.