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How to check start and finish time of each discovery job

I need to analyze how long each discovery job takes to complete everyday.

Is there a way where I can extract this information from?

I am aware of discovery times log and View job statuses under probe, but they arent serving the pupose.

Discovery times log: take alot of time to manually find out as it captures every single input on a job.

ViewJobStatuses: Last total run duration, average, recurrences do not seem to match.

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    Hello Tamanna, 

    Thanks for reaching out support forums! 

    I would suggest you to use the probe JMX method "viewExecutionTimelineByJob" which is going to print out all the executions done on this probe by the job name and will provide the start and end time. You can just do a search for the job name, the list is sorted from oldest to the newest executions. Therefore, you will find the latest job run at the bottom of the list. 

    Important to highlight the start and end time there is in UNIX format therefore it should be converted by using an external tool. i.e.

    Hope it helps!