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WhatsApp - SMAX Integration (with Video Link)


Dear Practitioners, sharing this WhatsApp - SMAX integration scenario with you. Had built it for a POC.


  • WhatsApp/Meta Business API (cloud version, trial) 
  • AWS Lambda - for webhook call/api
  • SMAX SaaS - XIE used for integration.

Scenarios being addressed

  1. Webhook API verification. As of SMAX 2022.11, XIE cannot support the type of webhook verification which Whatsapp Business Cloud API expects.
  2. View open tickets
  3. Create new ticket
  4. Update open tickets

Data Flow

  1. Webhook API verification: Meta servers initiates verification for webhook API - sends to AWS Lambda. Lambda processes and reverts back.
  2. View Open tickets: User initiates the conversation with any message (hi/hello) - meta servers receives it - forwards to concerned webhook API (in our case AWS Lambda) - Lambda receives and forwards to SMAX XIE Listener with message and ph number fields - xie validates user exist in smax (using ph number) and fetches their open tickets - sends formatted message to meta endpoint
  3. Create New Ticket - user initiates the conversation and begins his message with keyword 'new' - meta forwards it to Lamba - Lamba forwards to xie - xie runs appropriate scenarios
  4. Update Open Tickets - user initiates the conversation and begins his message with numeric ticket it. - meta forwards it to Lamba - Lamba forwards to xie - xie runs appropriate scenarios

Hope you find this helpful. If there further inputs and feedback, I'll update this post with additional information and resources.

Here is the youtube video link for this integration



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