• smax internal reporting - recipients

    Hello All, Seeking your input on one of the reporting queries. As per the document, > 10 external recipients mean, 10 email IDs? or 10 PDL with any number of members in it? > 50 internal/group Recipients mean, 50 users/groups or if any one user…
  • Get all Reports of a particular person

    Hello, Is there a way (API) to retrieve all Reports created & owned by a particular person? Requirement is, when a person leave the organization (Inactive)/not using the tool anymore we want to deactivate/remove all related reports of that person…
  • How can I display in one report or view whether I am an assigned expert OR an assigned person?

    How can I display in one report or view whether I am an assigned expert OR an assigned person? Does the "Filter By" function only work with "AND" ? I miss the OR function?
  • SMAX Comments/Discussions in Views, Reports, exporting?

    Is there any functionality in SMAX to be able to present the Discussion/Comments in views, reports, the ability to export etc in a readable format. The Use Case Service Requests are created and updated through multiple communication paths, including…
  • Report Date Filter Values

    Hi, When building a report, currently, when filtering by last update time, we can choose from the following values: Today Yesterday Previous Month Past Week Past Month Past Year Tomorrow This Month Next Week Next Month Next Year Or you can choose…
  • How to Create report for how many count Article Attachment Type in articles ?

    Hello everyone, my company wants to a create report for how many include different attachment type in the per articles but ı dont know very well. can someone help me please ?
  • What is the Use case of "Tomorrow" , "Next Week" , "Next Year" in Date Field filter

    Hello Does anyone know what is the use case of "Tomorrow" , "Next Week" ,"Next Month", "Next Year" selection in Date Field filter. Does anyone used this for any use.
  • PDF Reports don't display Arabic language. How to enable Arabic ?

    We need to generate PDF reports that contain Arabic language but when exported as PDF, the report is empty although Arabic is displayed when exporting as CSV or XLS formats. Is there anyway to enable exporting reports as PDF with Arabic language ?