• CI detection works only for recently updated devices

    We have on-premises SMAX 2023.05P1 and SMAX 23.4P2 both with native SACM with UCMDB showing the same symptom. When creating or updating a ticket or change CI detection only detects a certain set of devices. Those detected are more recently updated devices…
  • Native SACM & Creating System Elements

    Does anyone know why system elements can't be created in SMAX (23.4) ? There is no 'New' option to create a new one.... our use case is that we define Control-M jobs as system elements, and our control-m admins would like to be able to add new control…
  • Error when enabling Native SACM

    Dear Experts, We have installed SMAX 24.1 premise and trying to enable Native SACM. When enabling we are getting the same error ( docs.microfocus.com/.../InvalidURLOrPort) . But for us, port and services are proper. However when we try to access…
  • Cannot enable Native SACM on SMAX

    Hi Team, We are trying to enable Native SACM in our environment. All configurations on the CMS and SMAX side is complete. While trying to enable Native SACM for a tenant on SMAX we get an error message "Cannot save CMS password into vault". Has…
  • Stopping certain custom CI types syncing from SMAX to UCMDB via NativeSACM

    Hi All, Is that possible to stop certain CIs created in SMAX (under a custom subtype or the UNKNOWN subtype ) syncing to UCMDB joined up as NativeSACM? There's a way to stop sync back from UCMDB to SMAX by setting SD_TYPE to non-applicable but can…
  • The customer ID: 1 of this CMS Gateway: http://HOSTNAME:3000/cms-gateway is already used, please connect to another UCMDB customer ID.

    Hello all, The customer ID: 1 of this CMS Gateway: HOSTNAME:3000/cms-gateway is already used, please connect to another UCMDB customer ID. After trying it in the test tenant, I get the above error when I want to enable native sacm in the prod tenant…
  • Creating new relationship type between Systemelement and SystemElement

    Hello, we are trying to connect SytemElement with other SystemElement. Trying to do that using SMAX Ci Topology we only see "Aggregation" relationship type. But customer wants "containment". Then we went to uCMDB CIType manager and added new relationship…
  • Warning when importing the 'Device' record type: Device_DataDomains : The corresponding CMS property Name was not found. Please select another attribute or create a corresponding attribute [entityType = Device, PropertyName = DataDomains]

    Hi, Whilst importing the 'Device' module on the preprod and prod environment we are getting below warning message: Device_DataDomains : The corresponding CMS property Name was not found. Please select another attribute or create a corresponding attribute…
  • SMAX & CMS with NativeSACM - Change the result for Involed CIs?

    Hi, Now the Involed CIs tab for a ticket (eg Request, Incident etc) shows only Devices from Acutal Service. Can we change that? We want to filter related Devices from/to a Service Components.
  • Native SACM - CI not federate

    Hello! We are using SMAX 2022.05 and classic UCMDB 2022.05 with the configured Native SACM integration mechanism. Previously, everything worked fine until a CI was deleted from SMAX. After the CI was removed from SMAX, it was also deleted from UCMDB…
  • Issue with Native SACM

    I am seeing the below issue in the Native SACM, the count of the CI will be zero. Also when I clear the filter I see some CI's present. But whatever the newly discovered CI's are not coming in SMAX. Please find the below screenshot. Please let me know…
  • Newly created CIs in UCMDB do not appear in SMAX Native SACM

    New installation: SMAX 2021.11 on Azure AKS (BYOK) CMS UI 2021.11 Standalone (classic) on Windows Server 2019 VM in Azure UCMDB 2021.11 (not containerized) on Windows Server 2019 VM in Azure with dedicated external PostgreSQL 11 database server…
  • RE: System Element import error: Failed to create the entity in UCMDB.

    Hi Carlos, By the error it looks like you have enabled Native SACM , if Native SACM is enabled you cannot create System Elements in SMAX Please see the document https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/SMAX:2021.02/Native_SACM_overview System Elements…