RedHat V8.4
Is there any way to add user option fields in the approval notification to customize this approval mail and make it contain useful information as per customer request?
DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
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RedHat V8.4
Is there any way to add user option fields in the approval notification to customize this approval mail and make it contain useful information as per customer request?
You can create a custom field at Request level, let's call it "Request Summary". This field should be a RICH_TEXT. Then, at the offering level, add a business rule to populate the field by concatenating the relevant information from the offering (especially user options). You can build it as a small table with two columns for Name/Value. Then at the approval notification level, in the template, include the field.
You can add an additional parameter to the template, that dictates if the section appears, a conditional text. The flag is set to true if the parent is Request and the Request Summary field is not empty.
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It's work.
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Best regards.
Happy to hear.