Form for creating a record from a record


Like we have an "Create incident from record" option on service request. When we click on that, a new form appears to be filled so that we can create an incident

In the same way, I want to have multiple options to create custom records and even incidents as well. When the button is clicked, I want to have a new record form opened and after filling it and submitting it, a new record should be created.

How to implement this?


  • Suggested Answer



    The sort of thing you are trying to do can't be done using the New Form of a custom record as no URL link is available for a form. The only option available to you is to use Business Rules and Create Record. There you could have a custom action to run the Business Rule but you'd need to set whatever are the fields that need to have data passed to the appropriate New Record. It would mean defining a number of Create Record rules but each one could be triggered from a Custom Action.

