Are there are any additional hardware requirements for the Audit Service?

Are there any additional resources/prerequisites needed for installing the audit service on SMAX? The documentation goes straight to the installation part without specifying if it needs any additional storage/nodes. Does it share the same resources of a normal SMAX deployment?

  • Verified Answer


    Hi Zelna,

    There is no real additional hardware requirements for running the Audit Service. The key criteria is the Hardware requirements for your SMAX implementation and making sure they are sized correctly. Then the Audit service will use the same NFS and DB that SMAX is already using. So from this point of view its important to look at how much space has already been utilized in your setup.

    Based upon the installation docs the Audit Service creates two PV's which are allocated 5Gi on the NFS. There is also the Audit Client that holds data on the NFS server has a fallback for when a REST call wasn't able to send data through. So this would be global-volume/audit. Some more additional information about these files are discussed here:

    In terms of DB, the PostgreSQL must have SSL enabled as this is required for Audit. So if this isn't presently used it would need enabling first before you can use Audit.



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    Thanks! I do have an additional question regarding enabling SSL. When enabling SSL, is it only needed for the audit service to run? or do I have to re-configure the suite to communicate with the database using SSL as well? We use host instead of hostssl in our old databases, so would we have to reconfigure?

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    Hi Zelna,

    It depends on your environment security needs really. SMAX can use DB enabled SSL or not. In regards to the Audit service yes this needs SSL enabled. So you could certainly place the Audit db in the same Postgres system that SMAX is running on but you'd need to consider enabling SSL. Here is a doc link for how to change the SMAX system if you enable SSL on your current DB:

    Another option is you place the Audit db on a separate Postgres environment and then you could enable SSL purely for that and leave the SMAX DB alone. If that is you're preferred option then its just a matter of following the below guide for how to implement the DB:

    Hope that helps,

