Accept/Reject Buttons in Solution Notification

Hello fellow members,

In some of our service offerings we tick the "Skip end user acceptance" checkbox.

The solution notification that goes out to the users still includes the Accept/Reject buttons which does not make practical sense as the buttons are not clickable for this scenario. Why are the buttons still included, even though the user will not be able to make use of them? Is there a way to exclude the buttons in the solution notification if the "Skip end user acceptance" is ticked? I'm also open to alternative workarounds to circumvent this problem ;-)

  • Verified Answer



    The buttons are part of the notification template and the notifications are triggered from several business rules, mainly when a solution is added or modified (assuming the completion code is not null).

    I see two options:

    • Modify the relevant notification templates to have a conditional statement rule to include or not the buttons  (checking if the "Skip end user acceptance" is on or off)
    • Duplicate the notification templates and duplicate the rules depending on the flag

    I think first option is less work, although, as disclaimer, I never tried to use it with buttons, but I think it should work

    In case you are not familiar with the capability, here is the doc reference:

    Note: there are several notification templates and business rule, depending if the email integration is enabled or not and if the notification is sent to the requester or a follower.

    Best regards,
