Filling up the Sustainability section's fields through information provided by Boavizta

Hi all,

I am trying to understand how to fill up the Sustainability section's fields of the template tied to Asset of type Device, Infrastructure & Peripheral or Enterprise Asset

through information provided by Boavizta.

I've found following procedure:


  1. Boavizta: Make sure you have Boavizta installed and configured correctly.
  2. OpenText SMAX: You must have access to the OpenText SMAX server and have credentials to authenticate.


  1. Configuring the data source in Boavizta:
    1. Log in to the Boavizta admin console.
    2. Go to the "Data Sources" section.
    3. Add a new data source and select "OpenText SMAX" from the drop-down menu.
    4. Enter your connection information to the OpenText SMAX server, such as the URL, username, and password.
    5. Select the types of environmental data you want to capture from OpenText SMAX (CPU, memory, disk usage, etc.).
    6. Save the data source configuration.
  2. Environmental Data Acquisition:
    1. Go to the "Scans" section in the Boavizta console.
    2. Select the "OpenText SMAX" data source and click "Start Scan".
    3. Boavizta will connect to the OpenText SMAX server and capture environmental data for the configured assets (servers).
  3. Data Visualization and Analysis:
    1. The acquired environmental data will be available in the "Data" section of the Boavizta console.
    2. You can use the pre-built dashboards and reports to view real-time and historical data.
    3. You can also create custom dashboards and reports to meet your specific needs.
    4. Boavizta offers several features for data analysis, such as creating charts, tables, and filters.


Is this procedure correct ?

How much does it cost the subscription to Bovizta?

Is there an alternative procedure to retrieve the same information to fill up SMAX with (e.g. hardware vendor providing directly environmental data)?

Best Regards

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    As the described procedure comes from the Boavizta web site, please validate the information and pricing with them.

    As for other solutions, have you checked out the SMAX/AMX GreenOps capabilities?

    The GreenOps solution is introduced to offer a range of features that deliver sustainable operations and help businesses achieve their environmental commitments. GreenOps aims to provide insights into your IT estate, enabling you to identify under/overconsumption and optimize capacity. With this feature, you can enable the collection of spending, consumption, and carbon footprint data for off-cloud and cloud (AWS and Azure) IT assets — and deliver the report in a unified view. Through the carbon footprint report, you will be able to:

    • Identify and map sources of carbon in your IT ecosystem.
    • Analyze emissions across data centers and public clouds.

    Ultimately, that means you can track your carbon emissions, identify opportunities for optimization, and monitor progress towards your sustainability goals.

    Best regards,


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    I am very excited on the SMAX/AMX GreenOps capabilities, as described in the Docs for the last version available (24.1)

    The challenge to tackle consists in providing the right data to SMAX to make this Carbon Footprint calculation working out especially for the Off Cloud resources, and it’s for that reason that Boavizta repository or other “greenops” sustainability data sources come into play.

    We need to fill up the Sustainability section in each and every asset belonging to the category of Device, Infrastructure & Peripheral or Enterprise Asset if we want that SMAX makes as accurate as efficient  carbon footprint calculation .

    We need then to provide SMAX with information useful to fill up Sustainability Section Fields like those below reported:

    Where would you get  those info? and once found, how  did you manage to import it in SMAX?

    Best Regards


  • Suggested Answer

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    You can take a look at below two CSVs in Boavizta GitHub, which are the source data to be imported to SMAX for carbon footprint calculation. You need leverage your approach to import those data to SMAX and map them to Sustainability details. CIT is one of the options.

