• Error when login into system "Cannot evaluate expression %1"

    Hello, community! When I login and go anywere or staying on Home Page I get the following error: \date\ Bad arg(1) oper ~= (display,fdisp.1) \date\ Cannot evaluate expression true in false (display,fdisp.1) I understand that this…
  • When I click "List All" through the Report on dashboard - 404 - File or directory not found

    Hello, community! My question is about dashboard and Reports in HPSM. I have 2 identical systems with two identical Reports (including ID and permissions). On the test system, everything works fine, but when I migrate to the production system, when…
  • Save actions are slow: I/O exception, Connection refused: connect

    We see this error message several times in the log for each save: I/O exception (java.net.ConnectException) caught when processing request: Connection refused: connect Example: adding a journaled update to an Incident takes 40 seconds. Theory: can not…
  • Connect-It: Java Error on Launch

    Hello, I am getting an error when launching connect-it 9.6.0. Cannot Start Java - System Error 193, Failed to load JNI Library. I have connect-it installed on my Service Manager App Server with JRE 1.8.0_60. The references I found said that this may need…
  • Authorization error

    Hello Folks, I have setup a demo src server. I am able to view the catalog, request the item but I get this authorization error when trying to submit it. The error says "Service Catalog is not authorized to run on this system". Any Idea what could cause…

    Hi Piku, I have the same issue but the error message is different. Mine is SM and SRC version9.33. When we search for an item that does not exist.It lands us in a page "No items found" and there is an option next to it that says "More Support". It is…
  • Attachment error

    Hello! When we add or delete a document to any incident, we get the following errors: The document gets attached or deleted without problem, but the errors keep showing. I need help... Thank you in advance!
  • Error when viewing an incident

    Hello! For some reason, seemingly at random, the accompanying errors appear when changing the tab to an incident. How I can know where the error is? Thanks in advance ...
  • backup job fails with error: could not open the dbdict file, abending.

    When I try to run the system_unload job from windows Command prompt on service manager server I receive this error: "could not open the dbdict file, abending." the last successful backup job was done on Nov 5th,,, and no change to system has been done…
  • How set priority while creating incident via HPSM WebService

    I am trying to create incident by CreateIncident method from HPSM web service. I am receiving following response: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ "> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <CreateIncidentResponse message="Validation…
  • Certificate error - digital signature has expired

    I have a certificate problem when i login a web client. See attachment. How can is renew this certificate, or what can i do? Check "Always trust content from this publisher." not the solution for the IT Security group. :(
  • where does code reside that writes out to journal updates?

    I am still having a lot of trouble figuring out where to look for information in HP SM 7.11. Today, I found an action sequence that fails. I am using the windows native client, and running HP SM 7.11 on a windows server. I have an incident opened…