• Issue with Adding Attachments (docx, excel, pdf, etc.) – Version 9.80

    hi all, In version 9.80 of our system, users have reported issues when attaching files in common formats such as .docx , .xlsx , .pdf , and others. please help me solve that problem as soon as possible. thanks
  • evattachment collection, how to map?

    Hi experts, how could we map the evattachment collection to send an attachment with Connect-it? where can I find documentation of how to do that?
  • How to remove validation of password protected file upload in "Attachments" of any entity/record?

    Hello Experts, While uploading a file under "Attachments" below error appears. Failed! "File contains illegal content" error was observed if we try to upload any password protected file under "Attachments" Can we remove this validation or restriction…
  • restrict attachment deleting(not read only)

    hello! How can I restrict attchment deleting? The ability to delete a file should be available only for author of the request. It doesn't mean read only function, because it dont allow attach new attachments.
  • Download all attachments

    As part of our archival requirement, we need to bulk download all the attachments from the SQL database to a windows server share. Can see the details (segmentation) in the sysattachmem1 table but not sure how to go about bulk downloading all attachments…
  • Add attachment in Request via CIT

    I will try to add attachment in SMAX vai connect. I view the MAAS example but if i configure de connector. I will obtain the error in attachment "error.jpg". Please can you help me to configure this connectot ?
  • Create IM with Attachments via REST API.

    Hello, Trying to create an IM with attachments from one SM to another SM via REST API. So the IM is getting created and attachments are also added but if the attachment is a .docx or .doc file, it gives error when opened. contents for .txt files…
  • Inquiry about Service Manager Command sm -system_unload

    Dear All, I usually unload all config and table of SM by use command sm -system_unload. but now the size of the SYSATTACHMENTS table is very large. And I still want to unload by using the command sm -system_unload but exclude SYSATTACHMENTS Table…
  • Add Attachments in interaction through the related request

    I need to add attachments to the interaction via the related request. I'm trying to create a new Add file button in Interaction, but I don't know where to do that. You can help? Best regards
  • Restrict attachment size based on type

    I am trying to create a rule, if mimetype!=="application/zip" and size >3000000 the file needs to be zipped. I tried doing a trigger, SL, fc in SYSATTACHMENTS. Whats the best way to do this?
  • Multiple attachments email into an interaction

    Experts, I am using HP CIT v9.60 & HP SM v9.40 I am converting an email to an interaction using the web service connector . The interaction is getting created without issues and is populating the right set of values. The issue which I am facing is, if…
  • How to attach text files or images to the output text file

    Hi Experts, My requirement is to fetch values from a text/ excel file using .net code and based on some conditions I am writing the output values into a text file, which I am able to do. Is it possible to attach some text files or images to the output…
  • 9.52.1009 - attached docx document question

    Hi! i need to deny SM to put data from attached to Interaction docx file into description field unfortunately i cannot find way to do it. May be advanced people say me where i should find this setting. Thanks in advance!
  • 3rd part tool not able to send attachments to HP Service Manager

    I am integrating HP Service Mnager with a third part tooi called Alert manager. We are using SOAP API for the integration The ticket creation is working fine but when we are trying to add attachments they are not coming through. We tried attaching attachments…
  • Attachments in HP Service Manager 9.52

    Hi, There is any way to know in HPSM (triggers) if was added a attachment in a record ? For example in probsummary? Best Regards, HJ
  • add attachment from SD to notification email

    How can i add attachment from SD to notification email If there is attachment in SD (or in IM or in OCML,...) when status changed to resolved user get email about it, but will be good if there is an attachment in SD (IM, OCML,...) then email get this…
  • Send attachment from lineItem to user by email

    There is a email notification for user (contact.name - who ordered the service from the SRC) triggered when status of LineItem changed to Resolved. Is it possible automatically add to this email attachment from this resolved LineItem and then delete this…
  • Service Manager attachment export

    Hello Experts, I am looking different ways to export the attachements of all the Service manager modules. Is there an easy way to do that? We are using SM 9.35. Thanks in advance
  • Attachment file locked

    Hello experts I have a trouble when I attached some file to SM web client After that I attach the file I delete the file from the source folder and after I add another one with the same name like that attached and appears an error: "The file already exist…
  • Downloading Multipe Ticket Attachments

    Hello! Is there a way to download attachments off multiple tickets without having to load them one by one?
  • Problem with IE11 and attachments in HPSM 9.51

    Hello experts, I have a problem with Apache24 SSO (NTLM authentication) configuration. When I want to upload attachments that are on white list I get error message "Failed! The file you are trying to attach is empty, File won't be attached.". Do you know…
  • HPSM7 SYSATTACHMENTS compression

    I am trying a number of methods to get the attachments out of a SM7 instance. I am trying to get the attachment out directly from the SYSATTACHMENTS Table. There are a number of statements that the data is stored in Gzip format. Doing a hex dump on the…
  • HPSM7 Webservices retrieve attachments not showing content

    I have been trying to get the webservices to retrieve attachments so I can archive an SM7.11 instance. Using SOAP UI, I have used the following request <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=" ">schemas.xmlsoap.org/.../" xmlns:ns=" ">http://schemas.hp.com/SM…
  • Maximum size of attached files

    When i try to add new attach file to contact record get message: "The total size of attached files exceeds the maximum value configured for the system." Where can i set new value for this ?
  • Scenario to send attachment through an email

    Dear All, There is a requirement from my customer to get the attachemnt in the email, if there is any attachment associated to any incident or change ticket. We are using SM9.32 and Connect-IT 9.51, we have defined an email sending scenario. It would…