• Issue with Image Display in HTML Email – Version sm9.80

    Hi All, Images within the Service Desk function are either not loading or displaying incorrectly. "<img alt="Logo" src="{http_url}/images/Icon_Logo.png" />" -> not working please help me solve that problem as soon as possible. thanks
  • ADD COMMENT button disabled in email

    All buttons are disabled in email How do I enable them?
  • getURLFromQuery + hashcode and internal/external base URL

    Hi experts, I'm facing the following issue: Customer's using two base urls to access the system, let's say: company_int.com company_ext.com company_int is set as $G_webserver_url. Now, emails are generated with both urls. We didn't wanted…
  • Reset Password email link needs to change in 2021.11 version of SMAX

    We have SMAX 2021.11 version installed at customer premises. They were using it from the local networks which is in internal to DC. Recently they did netting and accessing SMAX over the internet. The difference here is.. The FQDN/external access of SMAX…
  • ConnectIT Inbound mail exchange with cloud - Office 365 O365

    Hello Experts, My question is regarding email inbound ConnectIT to SM scneario. Trying to create tickets through emails sent to Office 365. My scenario runs well with on-prem email exchange server but not sure what are the details we should provide…
  • Change email notification to different email address

    Hi, I want to change default notification of emails. Now the end user is getting notifications from "sma_noreply@microfocus.com" whenever there is update on the ticket. I need to change this email address to different email address. Can you please…
  • eventout evfields

    Hello, Where can I Increase the size of "evfields"? When an email go out from description to evfields it cats 7740 characters. If the description is bigger it is lost from email. 100 000 character size would be better. Please help me.
  • Email process: "SMTPMail" goes idle

    Email has been configured in Service Manager (sm -emailout -clean -log:..\logs\emailout.log) in sm.cfg. This was working. But recently, the email processes in the system status are going to idle status and email are held in the eventout queue. Has anyone…
  • Is it possible to limit email templates by role or group

    We have many different groups of people using SBM and we would like to create templates that are used without SBM apps but limit who can see different sets of these templates. For example we want templates setup for Sales but we do not need the Service…

    Hello Guys, Im in a big fix now.I need to add a survey URL to the emails being sent out by service manager when a ticket is closed.Unfortunately,i do not know where to do this or where to find the template. SCSMTP is being used to send emails in the environment…
  • Emails Notifications could not be delivered - How to resend?

    Hi Experts, I am using HPSM 9.40 P2 and we recently had our test account's password expired which authenticated our HPSM to our SMTP server. This caused emails to not be able to be delievered due to no SMTP server to send the emails. I was curious as…
  • (SM) Support Tip: Module License Notifications

    Notification to SM Administrators when application/module license is exceeded. Service Manager allows you to exceed your module license and will log a warning message in the sm.log file. A system administrator may like to periodically check to see if…
  • Send HTML Email: Recipients by Javascript

    Tried to use the Action Send HTML Email Action in the RuleSets but I needed some more than it can give me from the normal options so I wanted to use the javascript but cant find information on how to use it. (Image in attachment). Can anyone help? Anyone…
  • Email Notifications displaying as html source instead of formatting

    This only happens occasionally, but Service Manager will send out an email and it will show the html source instead of the proper formatting. It has only happened with Change Approval Notifications. I am using 9.33 with PD4 and are using connect-it
  • HP openview Service desk 4.4 SP33 email template for service calls

    I have been advised that this version of HP openview service desk is only able to support plain text emails (on service call creation and closure) and that modifying the existing email template (phone number) is a lot of work. Both of these answers…
  • ¿Can I send attachment files since an interaction in an email notification in SM 9.31?

    ¿Can I send attachment files since an interaction in an email notification in SM 9.31? Now we are sending email notification with HTML notification but, we need send the attachments files, is this possible now?
  • Help on Email options for Service Manager, SCauto, SMTP, SCEMAIL, connect-it?

    Hi, We are currently sending email via smtp1.0.2.0 KM437804 and it works fine with out issue. The problem is we now want to include a hyperlink in the emails when incidents are closed to take users to our survey application. I've been reading numerous…
  • RE: Send Attachment Event Out throuth Connect IT

    Just had the same requirement but for IM. Here is a solution I found based some infos found on the forum, it works perfectly for me: in the scdb.cfg or sc.scf or whatever (this additional file can be set up with as custom file in the SM connector) I added…
  • SCEmail unable to fetch emails from Output Events

    Hello Experts, I am new to HP Service Manager 9.3. I have installed HPSM in a demo environment, the database and the SMTP server is located remotely. I want my service manager to send an email notification to the assigned group members and also to the…
  • Support tip: Insufficient information in the log if an exception occurs when sending an e-mail

    Hello all, Here is a change that you may or may not have been aware of and will be useful for any future email issues. Symptom: When delivery of an e-mail fails, there is no useful information in the log to find out the root cause. Resolution…
  • Support tip: HTML E-mail solution problem - sent e-mails are truncated

    Hello, Here is an issue a customer ran into where you may have encountered something similar. Description of behavior: Notification from SM are delivered to recipient with cuted out end of mail, what cause all email is shown as text mail with…
  • Dublicate interactions by inbound e-mail with through SC Auto.

    Hello. SM 9.30 SC Auto 4.0.2 Users sends email to xxx@yyy.zz, then SM creates interaction via SC Auto. Sometimes SM creates 2 interactions by 1 email, but in eventin have only 1 event. This does not often happen, but the problem is. I can't understand…
  • Event Out Record Not Being Generated

    I am trying to configure email via the OOB option using notification engine with document engine but I am unable to get an event out record created so scemail smpt can process the record. Any guidance as to where to look would be appreciated. We are running…
  • ESS - Direct link to record

    Hello everyone!! When a Request, or change, goes into the approval phase,tThe approval request to the users are made by email. In that mail a link is provided to reach the approval page of the ESS. "&action=&title=Cambio">myserver/.../ess.do CH00001871…
  • SCSMTP stopping - not restarting - advice?

    Put in a case with HP today... Attached you will find todays sm.log, scsmtp.log, scsmtp.ini, sm.ini, and sm.cfg. At 10:00:12 yesterday, scsmtp.exe got an error and was unable to recover. The log shows: 09/21/2010 10:00:00 pid (5864)(2068) Sent…