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falcon user cloning gives error "Emergency Group is not a valid assignment group"

I am trying to create a user just for integration purpose (OBM-SM integration for incidents). following the instructions available at document portal(, when finishing it gives an error which reads as following

"EMERGENCY GROUP is not a valid assignment group"

Unable to find any assignment group info in falcon contacts and operator record.

please suggest what this error is all about and how to deal with it.

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    Try to use another user like System.Admin to clone, or you can create a new user and then set the role as system administration and capability words like the falcon user.

  • Suggested Answer


    Hi Urvish,

    it's always easier to use "System Administration - Ongoing Maintenance - User Quick Add Utility" to clone an existing operator than to create an operator from scratch. 

    For your operator with the error message "EMERGENCY GROUP is not a valid assignment group" please check tab "Groups", there is a button "Group Membership". 

    It shows the record "myGroups" for the operator. Check if "EMERGENCY GROUP" is on one of the arrays. Delete this entry for "EMERGENCY GROUP" in the array if this is no existing assignment group . 

    Best regards, Heike

    Heike Ulshoefer
    Lead Premium Support Engineer
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