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Data replication evidence


SM version: 9.71
OS: Linux

We have two environments Production and disaster Recovery, the Database is in sync mode hence data on both environments is same.
Is there any way to find an evidence that data on Production is replicated on the Disaster Recovery?


Haniyya Rehan

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    Hi Haniyya

    Thanks for your question.

    Database in sync mode is database-level settings and Service Manager can't control that.

    If we want to confirm if the data is synchronized to disaster Recovery, we can create some testing ticket in Production from Service Manager UI, search them in disaster Recovery database. If we can see the new tickets in that, it means the data is synchronized.


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    Hi Haniyya

    Thanks for your question.

    Database in sync mode is database-level settings and Service Manager can't control that.

    If we want to confirm if the data is synchronized to disaster Recovery, we can create some testing ticket in Production from Service Manager UI, search them in disaster Recovery database. If we can see the new tickets in that, it means the data is synchronized.


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