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How to configure proxy for out-bound webservice in Service Manager

We need to connect to a third party web service through a proxy.

We have configured sm.ini as explained here: (SM) Support Tip: How to configure proxy for out-bound webservice in Service Manager - Service Manager User Discussions - OpenText Service Manager (

But we have identified that requests are not passing through proxy.

We need to know the reason and how to do that.


  • Verified Answer


    Hi Scuenca

    this is the setting in sm.ini that works:






    - The JVMOption must be in sequential order (JVMOption0, JVMOption1, JVMOption2...)

    - The list of nonProxyHosts don't have to be with quotes

    - The list of nonProxyHosts must be in the order: loopback (localhost|127.*|[::1]) and then domains with wildcards. The different domains must be separated with '|'. Probably it also works if you only specify the domain with wildcards (no need to include the localhost, although this is a general recommendation for any proxy configuration).

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    hi Simon!! 

    thanks a lot for your reply. So the 

    JVMOption0:-DproxySet=true is missing in the documentation Disappointed

    I will try it but it will be probably the cause.

    Thanks a lot!

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    Hi Scuenca,

    just a little additional information. In case you need the proxy communication for some customizations in regards to JavaScript calls, please see the new proxy parameters for the doHTTPRrequest function in JS:
    JavaScript global method: doHTTPRequest - Service Manager (